What I would truly miss would be the washing machine!!!!!! Doing laundry by hand for a family with little kids takes up A LOT of time!!!!! Other than that, the deep freeze because it is soooo handy to use to put food up fast!! Everything else, it would just take me about 2-3 days to convert...
Hi! :frow Welcome!!!
Rabbits are good to get! I raise them, and they multiply so quickly you always have a fresh supply of meat and pretty soon, when word gets around, you make a little extra selling breeding stock!!!!
ACV works for UIs because it adjusts the PH in your body! Usually, when a UI strikes, it is because your PH is off! ACV put the PH back into perspective and UIs cant live. Also, to get rid of them even faster, raw garlic works awesome as it is a natural antibiotic!!! ;)
I haven't tryed it with nuts, because nuts don't grow in my area! But, I don't see why it wouldn't work!!!! :thumbsup I basically do that with a large portion of our lard right after I am done rendering it, and it works awesome!! Keeps for years ( I found one the other year, dated 10years...
Lol, actually the very same was on my wrap-around-deck the night before!!!! :barnie I took the pic of him/her the next day after on the hill, 20 meters to the right of the cabin!!! :hide Lol, we just don't wander around in the dark or leave food outside!!:\
Ohhhhh!! Ok, I know what you mean!!! Lol, ya I have the same problem with mine! I am catagorized under 'Photography', and I am sorry to be of no help, but, I have no idea how to change that!! :mad:
I am not sure about the map! o_O But to search for things you are interested in, there should be a space to type into(says 'search' in it) on the top left hand corner of the page when you are logged in to Pintrest. Also, there should be a box infront of the 'search' area that if you click on...