Good MOOrnin Marie! Glad you've joined :p
I had no idea you were from the UK! Totally awesome! Now, I'll be reading your posts with an accent. Hahaha
Like you, I'm hoping to get better at gardening :)
Hahaha :frow nice to see a familiar name :P
Hey there! The weather is warming up to 69° so I'm happy to be outside working :D need to grow grass for the chickens but they devour everything in their path. Never thought a couple of hens could pull a plant from its roots :lol:
Thank you all for the warm welcome :)
Wow! I knew you did a lot but my goodness Baymule, that's amazing and inspiring. I grew up in the city, always dreamed of living in the country with a couple cows and some chickens. DH supports my dreams but knowing me, he's more like "ok sweetheart...