Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
yep - you read that right! I'm on crutches.
Twisted my ankle stepping off our back porch - which is like 4 inches off the ground
so NOT a big step at all. There was a small dip in the part of the yard I stepped on, and well, I just twisted my ankle and started going down. Hurried up and threw myself into a roll/turn so I wouldn't land on my belly.
Quick trip to ER confirmed it's a bad sprain, nothing broken. But swelled up to the size of a baseball!
I'm the proud new owner of 2011 Crutches
Twisted my ankle stepping off our back porch - which is like 4 inches off the ground
Quick trip to ER confirmed it's a bad sprain, nothing broken. But swelled up to the size of a baseball!

I'm the proud new owner of 2011 Crutches