10% less, what would you cut first?


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
OK so to make a long story short. I may have to re adjust to a 10% pay cut. Yes I am thankful its only 10% but it's sill going to hurt. My dilemma is what do I cut in order to make it work?

I am planing to cancel a couple in home services, bug man, water delivery. Reduce cable to minimum if not cancel all together. Other than selling our ohv and trailer which I know my dh would never do. I really don't have much else to cancel.

With as SS as I already am, I think I will be ok this spring and summer in the food dept. My garden and orchard should supplement the grocery bill big time. I have a 50lbs, rice, wheat, beans, sugar, pastas etc,, I told my husband I was instituting no meat Mondays as well as beans and rice Fridays. he didn't laugh. I was not trying to b funny.

Because of the economy my in laws are no longer going to pay for my two older children to go to private school. This does not bother me. I live near a great school they will be fine. But my 3yo dd is still in pre school. I don't thin I can afford it and I feel awful.

The kicker is my Dh works for his dad. This has always been a fine line we walk with care. So this kinda puts a cramp in the Sunday dinner at the in laws if you know what I mean.

If we can't cut the fat so we can stay where we are our other option is to sell and move someplace less expensive. Some of you may know we built our home and lived in a camper while doing it. So I am not afraid to start again. I am kinda thinking this may be an opportunity to pick a more suitable piece of land for being Ss. Who knows all things happen for a reason. Thanks for listening!

Wish me luck!!!

ps Any suggestions are more than welcome.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
I think you are on the right track...I might even make a couple of egg based dinners....breakfast burritos, frittatas and quiches are fun.

I would cut back cell phones and processed snack junk foods if you buy those.

Use coupons if you don't. Coupon mom and the grocery game are good resources.

Maybe DH can pick up a few buck making bunny hutches and chicken tractors, then sell them on craigslist. Or put up a flier in all the feed stores around and see if you can get some business that way.

You could sell started seedlings....you may not make a bundle but it could pay for your garden needs.

I always tend to think how to bring in more rather than where to cut. Maybe chat with your DH about what skills you have that you can use to make a few extra dollars.

Are you selling your eggs? That could at least help pay for the feed!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Thanks for responding Dace. Yes I have a couple friends I sell eggs to. It seems like such meager money compared to what goes out. I am sure you relate. I also listed the eggs on Craigslist. Maybe I will take a pic of the hutch and see if anyone is interested. List it as a custom order kind of thing. I have been working on some sewing and craft items to sell on my Etsy account. The site pam told me about.

It's just seems weird, we have such a mix. Keeping up with the Joneses type situation and me trying to be SS. It feels very conflicting. Maybe this situation will help the rest of my family see my side. My husband said he was going to take over the finances I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. I said bring it on baby. Show me how you can make it work.

It will all be good in the end. Thanks for the suggestions. :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Hey Gina

Sorry to hear about the 10% loss......I know! :) It isn't pretty at all and I have more of a loss right now with Tony's rotational layoff which now is going thru the end of April instead of March.

Remember one thing......his Dad cutting his pay is a good thing....think of it like this....if his Dad doesn't cut expenses there is no business and no job. So taking that 10% on the chin is helping his Dad stay in business and is helping himself keep a job......so that one is a 2 way street.

I told Tony to help work now for all he is worth.....do what he can to keep his business happening. It is the best one can do to make sure there is some job there......I know what you are going thru.

You are very SS and I know what you mean about "wanting" stuff and trying to be frugal and be less dependent on "stuff" in life. I am in that boat right now too...LOL-LOL

Hang in there and smile. You cut back what you must.....and remember one thing, just spending cash is a killer. Just a dollar here and $5 there and all that adds up to alot of money real fast.....so watch the pennies and the dollars take care of themselves!

best of luck!!!!!!


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
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Urban Idaho.
Trade cable for rabbit ears unless it will cost more to cancel the cable contract.

Vista is in a good area for growing food. Food co-ops or local produce growers?

I don't think pre-school is needed.

Shop frugally.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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If your not making your own laundry soap this is a good time to start.

You could sell it too! Keep the recipe a secret and sell it in gallon jugs for $2 each.
A gallon lasts me about a month. That's 32 loads that cost you about 32 cents to make. Have them recycle the jugs.

Learn how to mend things like socks. I remember my mom use to darn socks.

Buy nothing unless its on sale then stock up on it.

Turn the heat down another degree or two and dress warmer.
Learn to use less air conditioning if you use it at all.

Cancel the cable and subscribe to netflicks. Get your news from the internet.
Read more. The library is free. Get the kid to read too.

Organize better so you drive one or two trips less a week.

Plant a few fruit trees. You should be able to grow avacado's there maybe?

Maybe you can grow and sell organic tomatoes to those who buy your eggs. The heirloom varieties
are fun and attractive. Put more signs up that you provide this service.

good luck!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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I honestly cannot tell you what to cut to fit your situtation the best.

For us, if we had to cut things out, internet would go first, then the phone. That's the only two things we have, other than electric and insurance.

Insurance we have to have to drive, but we reduced that to the bare minimum required to be legal on the road.

Electric I could cut out, too...lol....if necessary. I've got an oil lamp and a bottle of oil to use for light.

Sell anything you can that will earn you a little extra, and try to tuck that back and not spend it until you need it.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
I'm sorry to hear that. When I try to imagine it in my own life, I feel even sorrier :(

If your guy likes meat, soups and casseroles are a great way to have meat go a very long way. Taco meat can be diluted with cooked brown rice and cooked beans.

Do you eat out? When I tracked our eating-out expenses, I thought we almost never ate out and that we spent very little, but it used to easily be $100-150/month. Now it's usually $30 or less and we really don't miss it.

Soda and other unnecessary drinks can also start adding up, especially if they're bought at a restaurant or coffee shop.

We save a lot with homemade housecleaning products like dishwasher detergent, laundry detergent, window and toilet cleaners, etc.

Food is our second biggest expense after the mortgage, but it sounds like you're already doing what you can in that area. This year, we canned and froze more than we ever have in our lives and I've been so thrilled to have very small grocery bills this winter. All that hard work really pays off!

Good luck and let us know how you're doing!

BTW: I second FarmerChick's assesment of the situation with your in-laws. My parents own their own business that my brother is buying into. If things don't get better for them (construction), I imagine a pay cut for all may be the best they can come up with.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Thanks to all for the advice.

FC it's god to hear from you. Thanks for putting it in perspective.

Mackay, the laundry soap is a good idea. My kids have very sensitive skin though. I think I could probably get away with using none at all. Do we really get that dirty???
No furnace it's not that cold here. Ac, well I will have to deal with that in a couple months.
I have a small orchard I have been working on for years. I think it and the garden will be such a help. We have, apricot, peach, plum, two apples, nectarine, several orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit and my 4 avocados went in last fall. My artichokes survived winter and are coming back strong.

Dac, I think you hit the nail on the head. Shopping styles just need to change. I am pretty frugal now but I know I can do better.

Quail, I do have Max coverage on my insurances. I guess I could re evaluate those and try to combine my policies at one place. Maybe get a better rate.

My husband was coming home from work tonight. He saw a house a few streets away with a "fresh eggs for sale" sign. I asked him if I should go write my phone # on it. It was funny at the time. :barnie

thanks everyone, you made me feel better. gina

Tonight was our first meatless Monday. Went by with flying colors. You can't beat spaghetti and salad.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
I have cut things out so I could keep other things. I wouldnt cut preschool of you dont have to, its important. It takes time to stock a pantry and freezer with everyday essentials , that will help with meals. I have a prepaid cell phone with Net10 that costs me $30 every 2 months. I would cut the tv back to basic. Make less trips to town. And I agree with finding ways to bring money in. If you have a skill or talent that can earn a little extra give it a shot.

ETA, about the insurances, I do carry full coverage on my 13 year old minivan because at this age it doesnt cost a whole lot and I can not afford to go out and buy one if I should have an accident. That will save me money in the future if something should happen. But if I had another car you can bet I would take it down to minimum.

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