It was just a corny joke that I could not resist making since you said there were more to come yet(baby goats that is). Gave you something else to be thankful about Thurs., didn't it?
yea and best part since the doe was young, these are strapping boys. bellies full to the limit. they are huge and doing perfect. now that is my kind of kidding. I hate having to help kids. so time consuming. when they pop out jumping high and eating good I smile all the time..LOL
They sure grow fast too don't they? I was feeding this morning & noticed how big the duck has gotten almost full grown now. Likes to snuggle its head into the crook of your arm & lay there.
Considering it was 2 days old when we got it & it was already too cool at night to leave it outside all alone yeah it's a pet! We got a small cage for it & it was in Richards room for a few weeks. Once it got all it's feathers it became an outside pet!!
ut oh
I see that duck getting away with murder....hmm...
yea there is always that critter that turns into a pet on the farm.
My Mom had a funny story. They raised ducks to eat. The kids (all 9 of them) were allowed to pick one duck as a pet. They named him Oscar. Times were hard and Grandma got down to one duck.....yup, she cooked Oscar....well, Mom said the tears at the table drove Grandma insane. All of them crying that she killed Oscar and she promised not to....she said she had to feed the family and all the kids said they would do without food if Oscar could still be alive.....LOL----needless to say Oscar wasn't eaten. Grandma threw the whole thing to the dogs cause the kids freaked her out..HA HA
just a story Mom mentions all the time about Oscar when we talk farming and eating critters..HA HA
I do tease Richard that we are having roast duck for supper & he says "no way"! Then I laugh at him. The duck will not be eatten unless we are absolutely desperate for food. We will catch all the quail & eat them first.