My three main goals for 2011 are to improve my gardening and seed saving skills, work on making my long term food storage more complete, and to hopefully complete my 2010 "to do" list.
My secondary goals are to clear another acre for pasture, enlarge my pond, and work on adding some more reference materials to our library.
I got rid of 300 chickens, sold or processed most of the hogs and down to about 20 now and the rest will go next year sometime.....selling down from 30 black angus to about 8 or so....
no more field crop planting, going back to smaller garden
less hay fields being cut next year...need less hay lol and decided not to harvest all the acres caue we dont' want too lol
goal for 2011 is simplify my living even more. slow down and travel.
sell some farm equipment (not much, cause Tony swears he might need it all again)
I want to get more involved in the self-sufficient lifestyle:
Actually start a garden (well, I do have broccoli and some herbs going right now, but I want a real garden with lots of stuff in it) - want to do raised beds for my back; have one started on
Get critters for meat - haven't decided which, but want to start with ducks or rabbits (think I'll start a thread asking for opinions....)
Do LOTS more canning - which requires more jars, etc
Well I have lots of goals for new things I would like to try, but most will just probably stay on the list.
I do have a few things I still need.
Canning jars.... ha just kidding
I need a grain mill still.
Enlarge the garden, stick to heirloom seeds.
I would like to process some birds.
Making Hard cider
Looking into a wood stove insert for my builder grade fire place.
Oh, and all this hinges on the fact that we may pick up and move to Mo. Ha then I guess my goals will change.
My first goal is to have a more productive garden...besides twenty gazillion tons of tomatoes (although the tomatoes were delicious!).
I'm also hoping that 2011 will bring a permanent move and our "weekend" place turns into our permanent home - complete with a few chickens and meat rabbits.
I plan on having my cold frames finished in the next couple of weeks, so my new years thing will be to plant greens in Colorado in January
I also need to think over what I am going to plant next spring. The brussel sprouts were a disaster, but the ducks enjoyed eating those poor bug infested plants. I also didn't get very many beans. Bugs again. So natural pest control is high on my priority list. Row covers will be ordered.
I also need to pick up some whiskey barrels. There is an area in the front yard where I can't seem to grow anything because the tree roots keep strangling all the plants. 3 barrels will fit well in that space and let me actually grow stuff.
I was hoping not to have to buy any more structural stuff for the garden, but that isn't going to happen if I expect anything to grow.
Expand garden
more canning... learn to pressure can
learn how to tan a hide
get the credit card paid off so I can buy a milk cow
meaties for the freezers
make a baby quilt from DD's baby clothes
sew more