2023 Resolutions


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
1. continued weight control efforts.

it took me years to get way up there for weight so taking some years to get back down is ok with me.

first goal will be to continue the trend and fight through this winter to gain as little as possible. the past few weeks have been the other direction again (normal for this time of the year to gain a few, but i want to keep it to only a few).

as part of that we did not bring home a lot of treats or other goodies - like someone brought a loaf of pumpkin bread but we already have enough of those here. normally, out of habit, i would say "Yes! Yum! Me will eat that! No problem!" but we passed. on the downside we took a small chocolate cake hoping someone would take it but nobody did so we have that back. haha! oops... Mom still hasn't figured out that most of us are not eating that ways any longer. i try to tell her but she doesn't "Get it."... :( we're on a different course now though so we'll see how that goes.

bean and ham soup this week.

2. get the record keeping and basics covered. even if it is only the will and Mom's changes that gets done at first. once we get her settled again then i will do mine. i'm still learning some other things and tinkering so that is a part of this overall goal. the other day i did finally get some records generated from files automagically so that saves typing (and potential mistakes). it being automagic also means that if i don't like how initial efforts turn out and as i learn more i can easily go back and do it again in a few moments.

3. get ready for the seed swap. end of February. reorganize bean collection some more. finish up any seed sorting i have left here now that everything is dried out and ready to go into different containers.

4. keep getting rid of clutter i don't use any longer, books that are way out of date that aren't collectors items (no value, taking up space, turn them into worm food, shred them). next time i touch the bottle collection will be to take it out the door and to someplace else (this would free up the top of one of my large bookcases).

the rest of my goals are just routine garden planning and whatever projects i can get done by the time spring/summer planting comes along. often i can get at least one project done in the spring somehow or make progress. we still have some things hanging over from last year that didn't get completely done so i'll try to get those done first, but a few are dependent upon how wet it is. some projects have been needed to be done for many years, but they are not high priority enough for me to have gotten to them yet. on-going maintenance, fence stuff, trimming trees back, etc. cleaning up messes.
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Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Here goes.
#1. Finish moving outside farm stuff from sons house. This will come in small increments, each one a victory.
A. Move 500 gallon diesel fuel tank and get
It set up on stand.
B. Move portable building
C. Move 60’ round pen and get it set up
D. Set up sheep working equipment
E. Move 4 power poles and assorted
pieces of drill stem pipe
F. Move long heavy cabinet that goes in
portable building
G. Move ALL my tools! Will take several
H. Completely get EVERYTHING out of
house, still full of crap, have yard sale
I. Move my windows. I’ve been collecting
them to build a greenhouse
J. Build backyard fence for sons house
K. Get roll of sheep and goat wire and
Rolls of barb wire
L. Sort through stuff in the two 40’
shipping containers, add to yard sale
M. Going brain dead, add more later

#2. Get front field fence rows cleaned up of
40 years of growth. This will probably take
all year
#3. Get front field fenced.
#4. Finish interior of closets
#5. On a list to buy 2 registered ewes
#6. On a list to buy Anatolian puppy
#7. Get craptastic chicken coops in back torn
down, cleaned up and gone.
#8. Get fence put up where coops were
#9. Learn to drive sons tractor so I can set
my own hay bales
#10. Finish this damned list


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Here goes.
#1. Finish moving outside farm stuff from sons house. This will come in small increments, each one a victory.
A. Move 500 gallon diesel fuel tank and get
It set up on stand.
B. Move portable building
C. Move 60’ round pen and get it set up
D. Set up sheep working equipment
E. Move 4 power poles and assorted
pieces of drill stem pipe
F. Move long heavy cabinet that goes in
portable building
G. Move ALL my tools! Will take several
H. Completely get EVERYTHING out of
house, still full of crap, have yard sale
I. Move my windows. I’ve been collecting
them to build a greenhouse
J. Build backyard fence for sons house
K. Get roll of sheep and goat wire and
Rolls of barb wire
L. Sort through stuff in the two 40’
shipping containers, add to yard sale
M. Going brain dead, add more later

#2. Get front field fence rows cleaned up of
40 years of growth. This will probably take
all year
#3. Get front field fenced.
#4. Finish interior of closets
#5. On a list to buy 2 registered ewes
#6. On a list to buy Anatolian puppy
#7. Get craptastic chicken coops in back torn
down, cleaned up and gone.
#8. Get fence put up where coops were
#9. Learn to drive sons tractor so I can set
my own hay bales
#10. Finish this damned list


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, Va
Some things here that I want to do.
1-Get 2 ceilings upstairs torn down and insulated and then new ceilings put up
2-Possible small bathroom added to the one room up stairs
3-Get perimeter fence here at house... at least a good fence around the garden (against one side where perimeter is going to be)...and hopefully along the back side of the property.....
4-Get the fruit trees moved this year
5-Get the few bushes moved away from the house to the other side of property to use as living screens from road traffic.....
6- Have a better garden this year coming...
7-Have a yard sale to clean out some clutter stuff....
There's other things but they are "want to's" and not on a "schedule to get done NOW"....


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score