2dreams - Its Spring In Mississippi w/pallet bed pic


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
I work all day and only cook at night and on weekends. My last two weekends have been so full I either was not home or did not have time to cook. DH has done any cooking that has been done at night around here for the last week. It is so hot and humid I am just not interested. I either don't eat at all or just eat a salad. It was 98 yesterday at the office I have no clue what the temp was here at the house. Probably not quite that high. But the humidity is just killing me this year. Guess cause I am old. LOL Every afternoon has been spent dealing with rearranging rabbits or chickens. Yesteday afternoon I got some small fans up for the rabbits but bought a bigger one today and spent the afternoon getting it up and stabalized. Cleaned the fan in the little chicken house and got it back up. Helped a neighbor sharpen her hoe. Never been sharpend before so that was fun. Her hubby just left going to Iraq. So I check on her most days. She is in her early 60's and all her children are grown and live away from here. I also had to help her figure out a few things on her computer. She has never used it much and gets confused easily. But with her DH gone and only able to communicate via computer she is trying to learn.
We are close to the same age so we get on well and enjoy each others company so its not a job for me - its more a break in my day.

I am hoping to try some quiche recipes this weekend. Question? Do they have to have a crust or something lining the pan like veggies? What kind of Cream do you use?


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
You do sound very busy...sweet of you to help out a neighbor who is alone :)

I cheat and use frozen or refrigerator pie crust. The cream is typically heavy, but you can probably use half & half just as easily.


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
Thanks Dace. I have never used cream for cooking anything. Gosh to be my age and so intimidated by such a little thing as quiche. LOL

Speaking of age - I have noticed that we have quite a few young people on this forum that are so mature. It makes me proud that there are future leaders here that seem to have their head on straight. So much in contrast to what I see locally. Jackson Mississippi which is where I work and I only live a few miles from, made the list of hot crime spots again this year. We are like 6th or 7th in the nation for murders and even higher up like 3rd or something in robbery's. I stopped watching the local news except for an occasional lets check and see if anything has changed check. Every day there was some teenager that killed some other teenager and sometimes there would be 2 or 3 of those a day.
Most all of the house breakins are by young people - some as young as 12. It makes me so sad to think that these young minds have no regard for human life and no concept of "its not mine and I do NOT have a right to it". Who do we blame for these sensless acts? Parents, environment, to much medicine at to young an age, flouride in the water? Some of the young people come from good homes and some of them are street kids which tells me its not always the parents. Environment? growing up with street kids they are trying to be like? I don't know.
Just rambling this morning I guess. Kind of in one of those moods.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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WOW 2dream
your weather is sounding rough!!! Keeping those critters cool is alot of work. Poor animals just suffer in high heat......

We are not even close to your weather. Rain rain and more rain with T-storms and high winds and damage....hmm....those weather patterns are changing and I think our generation is surely seeing the effects in our local areas.

WOW on the kid problems in your area. I don't have much of that in my local area...............I think the problem is this---kids do not have a purpose anymore. Their parents work to survive day to day mostly (if they work) and it just isn't a true purpose....you know, to work to pay the mortgage, pay the taxes, buy food. Seems like there must be some passion for a purpose in life!!! Like a hobby you love that is taken to the next level, a purpose in life.
(Rambling too, hope that makes some sense...it does to me..HA HA)

I don't know....world is going heck into a handbasket I guess :)


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Ya know that stuff does go on everywhere. I recently heard our mayor bragging about how our crime rate has gone down in the past few years and yet every day I see the same things you are seeing on the news...kids killing kids, drug deals gone bad, house break ins etc.

I think our economy has an impact. You get desperate people doing stupid desperate things, but mostly I believe it is the parents fault. I mean a young girl is shot at a house party at 2 am...why the hell is a 15 yr old out at 2am? Where are her parents? How can they let her put herself in a dangerous situation? I just don't get it. I think people put themselves and their wants ahead of their kids, and so those kids learn by example to put themselves and their wants ahead of everyone else, they don't care that they are hurting someone by their actions because no one ever showed them what sacrifice is....they only know 'I want what I want and I want it now!' We have things backwards in this good ol' U S of A.

Sorry...I'll step down, but just wanted you to know that you are not alone in your frustration!


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
Oh Dace, climb up on that soap box every chance you get. I do. :love


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Amen, sister! :clap

I always think the same thing....what in the world is a young person of that age doing in that place at that time of night? :hu

If its anything like my sisters, they want their kids to be popular in school, so they let them do anything, go anywhere, no curfew, ride in anyone's car, participate in every single sport--even if their grades suffer, no chores, no responsibilities.....just fun, fun, fun and no consequences. They obviously seem to be able to weigh the risks but choose to brave them because they want their kids to have "what I never had" and "enjoy life while they can".

Of course, all our kids survived the teen years and mine didn't get to do all those "fun" things, but I got to lay my head down at night and not have to worry where my kids were and what they were ingesting, what drunk they were riding with, and who they might be impregnating. You can't watch them all the time but, by golly, its not from not trying! :/


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
North Arkansas
It looks very similar to a Cucuzza Squash.

2dream said:
Here is a pic of my strange squash/gourd/whatever it is. I love the lime green color and the taste is like a squash only slightly sweeter.
Sure wish I knew what it crossed with last year.


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
New ramblings - One of my pet peeves is rudness in any form or fashion. I have noticed that women can be extremely rude these days. I have often wondered what happened to our Southern smiles, waves and good natures. Seems to be just going away.

Today leaving the post office a gentleman held the door for the woman right in front of me and for myself. I looked him in the eye and said thank you so much sir. I always say thank you to anyone who holds a door for me. I made sure I said it loud enough for the woman to hear since she just walked past that man and never even acknowledged him. Like he was suppose to hold the door for her because she was so deserving. Even though I know she heard me she never looked back, just kept walking. Then I had to stop at the grocery store. A woman is talking on her cell phone in line. The clerk had to ask her every question 3 times and the woman answered her sharply each time. Like why are you asking me do I have a Brookshires card, and why are you asking to swipe my card, why are you asking me to enter my pin number. She never slowed up talking long enough to say anything to the cashier. The bag boy that took her groceries to the car. Loaded her groceries, and she slammed the door, got in her car and almost backed over him as he was helping me. She was parked right next to me is how I know. We are both looking at her like she had lost her mind. Her phone conversation was with a friend apparently that she had a really good time with a few nights ago. They relived the whole thing over the phone. I have no clue why she thought everyone in the store and parking lot needed to know - John was a total *&%$ about the whole thing and she is just not going to put up with his *&^%) much longer. Apparently John has no say so in her life and should keep his mouth shut if she wants to go out and get wasted. Poor John.
I dispise rude people. Where is the kindness?

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