2dreams - Its Spring In Mississippi w/pallet bed pic


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
:weee I am so excited. In Mississippi I am unable to purchase raw milk. So I purchsed goats to have my own. Well, I have been unable to find a billy to breed them with without purchasing one. And right now that is not on my agenda. To many time constraints.
No one local to purchase goats milk from either. So I did some research and discovered cream on top milk. Non Homoginized. More searching only to discover its not available in my area. But the wonderful manager of my local whole foods store kept digging and searching and insisting from his suppliers to find him a source. IT HAPPENED. He found Traders Point Creamery. He called my work number on Saturday and left a message. I called him this morning to confirm that he had some still in stock. Sweet wonderful young man, he held me a bottle back to make sure I got some. So I told the boss, I GOT MILK - LOL He laughed but told me to go pick it up. I am drinking some now with my lunch. ummmmmmmmm - its so good.

What really gets me is that I live in a state that is full of dairys of all kinds but I don't have access to decent milk. Raw milk is illegal here. The only person in my area who was selling goats milk will no longer sell it. She received a letter from the State informing her that the sell of raw milk is illegal and that Federal Law overrides State law. Kind of scared her so she stopped. I know that part of the reason is financial. This 1 litre bottle of milk cost almost 5 bucks. But well worth it to me. I passed samples around to the guys in the shop. Hope I can drum up more people buying so they will keep it in stock.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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That's is awesome, 2dream! and how sweet of him to hold a bottle back for you!!

I hope they keep getting it in!!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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I hate that we can't get raw milk anywhere....I'm lucky that I have a good breeder for my goats and even though I have to drive 1 1/2 hours to get the does there, she's very accomodating. I can't believe that no one will let you breed your girls....that sucks. I'm happy you were able to find milk though!

I'm trying to figure out what to do when I have to dry up Aliana. I don't want to buy ultra pasteurized milk but I may not be able get it any other way for the same reasons you're having trouble finding it.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Hey wanda, I just thought of something. There is a website for nigerian dwarf goat owners. Check and see if anyone has bucks for breeding near you.

www.nigeriandwarfgoats.ning.com They have a really good forum and you may be able to find someone close by, it's worth a shot!


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
Thanks Lori that looks like a good site. There are few nigerian dwarf owners around here - all high pedigree types. First my girls are not even registered much less have a pedigree. There in lies the rub. My goats are not worthy #1 and #2 even if I could present them as being worthy the fees for breeding are way out of my price range. For what it would cost to pay to breed them with one of those high dollar pedigreed goats I could just buy a billy a year and feed him to the buzzards when his job was done. LOL

As for the ultra pasturized vs pasturized - I don't know - after doing the research myself I am kind of wondering if it makes that much difference. Ultra pasturized is just done at a higher temp for a shorter period of time where pasturized is lower temp but longer time. From what little I have read on the subject - the end results is the same. Have you looked around your area for a dairy that might do low temp pasturization? If nothing else - do you have a Whole Food grocery close by? Ask them to get you the cream on top milk.

I am very happy to report that I drank non homoginized milk yesterday with lunch, dinner and then another glass for "just because I could". Nothing - no stomach ache - no sickness - no feeling horrible and no run to the bathroom side affects today. So it seems from my personal test - that this is a milk I can drink. Apparently having the cream in the milk is more important to my system than drinking milk that has been pasturized.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2010
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Mojave Desert
Everyone but everyone is talking raw milk. There must be some health benefit I haven't heard about. (call me sheltered). I guess I will go and look online and see what the benefits are. I don't actually care for milk so I don't drink it, ever, at all. However my boys do. I recently bought a gallon of goats milk (pasteurized). My girls used to drink it....however my boys hated it. So much for my dream of getting goats so we could have our own milk:p


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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rathbone said:
Everyone but everyone is talking raw milk. There must be some health benefit I haven't heard about. (call me sheltered). I guess I will go and look online and see what the benefits are. I don't actually care for milk so I don't drink it, ever, at all. However my boys do. I recently bought a gallon of goats milk (pasteurized). My girls used to drink it....however my boys hated it. So much for my dream of getting goats so we could have our own milk:p
In a nutshell and if you drink milk:

Pasteurization kills the beneficial as well as dangerous bacteria in milk.

Homogenization forces the fat molecules through tiny tubes to make them smaller so they mix in throughout the milk better, this changes the protein structure on the outside of each fat molecule from its natural state.

People who champion raw milk feel that the natural state is better. There is some belief that this extra processing is why some people become lactose-intolerant over time. That said, there are cultural groups who are more prone to lactose-intolerance, processing methods aside.

I personally have limited ability to ingest dairy products so I stick to organic cheeses, home-made organic yogurt, and home-made organic kefir for my calcium.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2010
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Mojave Desert
I have been off and reading up on it. Sounds interesting. I am going to keep reading. Thanks, K


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
There is suppose to be major health benefits to raw milk, however, you better trust your source. I personally do not have a source - trusted or not. So I purchased goats - but upon further reading and reviewing decided I am not sure I can go there completely. If and when I finally get to milk my goats I will probably go with a low temp pasturazition process for family member consumption and reserve the raw milk for myself. I am not sure I can bring myself, no matter how clean and sterile I keep things, to expose my family to the possibilities of some horrible disease, no matter how slight the possibility. Things that I would risk for myself without thinking about them are not always things I am willing to expose my family members too. Especially if they are to young to make decisions for themselves. I am the same way with canning. I have to be very confident and sure in my own head that I did everything absolutely correct before I will allow anyone else to eat it.

That being said, I love raw goat milk. But like cows, goats milk tends to taste like what they eat. So a cow that has eaten bitterweed will have milk that taste like bitterweed and a goat that is penned up with a billy will have milk that taste like that billy smells. YUCK.

All I know right now is that I can not drink normal store purchased pasturized homoginized milk. I don't think it is lactose intolerance as I can eat other dairy products. But as of right now I can drink the pasturized NON-homoginized milk without a problem. Which is all I needed. I love milk and had to give it up due to the horrible pain I suffered after drinking just a few ounces. Yesterday I drank over 12 ounces of this new milk and never felt a twinge. Maybe its something to do with the cream still being intact. Who knows.

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