Epicurean Goddess
Check with the company managing your 401K for the specific requirements of cashing in your account early. If you are under 59 - there will most likely be a penalty - which can be as high as 20%.
If you shop around, you can probably find a flexible annuity with a guaranteed minimum interest rate of 4%. We have one - started with a deposit of $50 and we add as much or as little as we want when ever we can afford to put money in.
If you have one, an accountant or financial advisor would be the person to talk to before doing anything ... imo
Check with the company managing your 401K for the specific requirements of cashing in your account early. If you are under 59 - there will most likely be a penalty - which can be as high as 20%.
If you shop around, you can probably find a flexible annuity with a guaranteed minimum interest rate of 4%. We have one - started with a deposit of $50 and we add as much or as little as we want when ever we can afford to put money in.
If you have one, an accountant or financial advisor would be the person to talk to before doing anything ... imo