I'm wondering if anyone has had a problem with their oven after using the steam generating technique . . . . I read somewhere that it might not be good for your oven. Just wondered.
Well, at least you will miss the first 10 minutes of viewing. Besides, who needs to watch when you can just hover over the oven and sniff. I was doing that last night with my sourdough rye bread. I couldn't quite get enough of the smell! LOL
Honestly, I have only made it once. Don't get me wrong, we really liked it . . . I'm just not loyal to any one bread recipe. After I finally got my sourdough to work, I became infatuated with all the different breads I could make with it and I haven't re-visited the 5-min bread.
Dace -- do you have the book? Are you just making the basic recipe? Because it seems to me there were quite a few variations in the book and some others on their blog.
Yeah Drake, I am only using the basic recipe but here is my thought....ANY dough recipe should be able to be mixed and tossed into the fridge...I am kind of perplexed as to why this one seems so revolutionary.