50 Shocking Questions That You Should Ask To Anyone That Is Not

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so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
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SE Missouri
That kind of explains why we don't get many new, lasting members here, doesn't it? One young person with a fresh and enthusiastic outlook on life doesn't stand a chance against a bunch of jaded middle aged "preppers."


Enjoys Recycling
Apr 6, 2013
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so lucky said:
That kind of explains why we don't get many new, lasting members here, doesn't it? One young person with a fresh and enthusiastic outlook on life doesn't stand a chance against a bunch of jaded middle aged "preppers."
I really don't think anyone scared this person off. If anything, maybe he was able to see that there isn't a big, wonderful world out there for him to exploit. His attitude is vailed by some VERY negative comments that may have escaped attention.
Following are 3 quotes. Pehaps the attitude of the posters show some varying degree of reality. Two of them seem to quite clearly "GET IT" and express their love and loyalty for their nation. There there is the ? poster. Look at the comment made there and ask youself, "Does this person "GET IT?". My anwer would be NO!
We deal in reality here. We are watching the world as we know it disintegrate and head for what appears to be thermonuclear destruction. Some of us feel that our survival to the natural end of our earthly lives should in some way be our own responsibility and we take that responsibility quite seriously. When you read these three quotes, try to imagine which of these three people has no "skin in the game."

Blaundee said:
SO true... but I will still never move away from my country, I love it with all of my heart and soul and will do anything I can to preserve the Constitution until I die- just as all of my forefathers have since funding and fighting in the Revolution. For now, we'll just get ready to hunker down and get ready to rebuild. If all of our ancestors could survive through tough times, so can we, especially since we see it coming and are smart enough to get ready.
? said:
I live in the DC area, and if you think 200k is expensive, get a load of this...my house sits on about 1/4 of an acre, is perhaps a bit more than 2000 sq. ft, was built in the 60's, and ain't the most beautiful thing ever, and it is probably worth around 600k nowadays...and that is outside of the DC beltway. Before you wonder how anyone except the fat cats can afford such ridiculous pricing, just know the income is a lot higher too. Pricing varies. I'm fairly certain we get a gallon of milk here for a little less than 4 bucks, and I don't think we pay more than 3 bucks for a dozen eggs. This is regular, store brand, mind you.
DenimDeb said:
The world is NOT getting better and better. It IS getting worse and worse. You're still just a teenager and haven't seen the things that many on this forum have seen and experience in every day life. I look back on what the world was like when I was your age, and it's nothing like it is now. But, as you said, you have your opinion and I have mine, and something tells me that's not going to change, so I won't bother to say more than that.
The verbiage you read in the one post tells me that there is some form of "liberal" brainwashing going on and this poster buys into it. We hear the same type of talk come from the current administration and as a result, life is NOT GETTING BETTER despite what this poster might wish to think. Once one spends some time in the "real world" that sense of arrogance and disdain is more rapidly dispersed and refilled with a painful understanding of reality.

So running away is a tactic used and then someone comes along and defends the "runaway" rather than understand that running away from a problem does nothing to solve it. It just leaves the problem for someone else to resolve. For my money, that is an act of cowardice, and is NOT the American way.

To my way of thinking, running away proves weakness of character evidenced by lack of responsibility for the lives and survival of others. So why would you want to preserve that type of person among the "jaded middle-aged "preppers" who have reality looking them square in the face every day with the responsibility for the lives of others. Is THAT what you think is the fault here? Surely, you have better things to do than to take such a position. If that poster left, maybe they will return with a renewed sense of reality and become a functional member among us. This would be MY hope.

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
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SE Missouri
You are right, KnightMare. From now on I will not tolerate any young person who has ideas different from my own. Thank you for setting me straight.


Enjoys Recycling
Apr 6, 2013
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Well, now that we have opened the "sarcasm box" I guess we can look at this from a completely different perspective.

There is a difference between different ideas and what we see here. New, different ideas are what make the world a better place and our nation is no exception. On the other hand the disdain voiced by someone with "different ideas" regardless of their age tends to cause elections like the last one to give us an administration that is systematically working at destroying the fabric of our nation.

As far as I am concerned the term "fat cats" includes the parents of this adolescent and if he has that much disdain for the benefits of their hard work, then he has been brainwashed by someone who is of the mindset that hard work and success are evil and should be destroyed, right?

So, I guess we should encourage that kind of behavior because it is "different", huh?
Well, I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOO soooooooorrrrrrrrrry, but I don't agree. I would be the first to accept new ideas and "different ideas" but unfortunately this particular adolescent was displaying neither. New and different ideas help solve problems and make things better. This particular outburst of disdain was neither. I'm surprised you didn't "get that" since you are so willing to be so sarcastic.

The ideas he was espousing came directly from the play book written by Karl Marx, Leonid Lenin and I can keep naming them...but hopefully you recognize those names. Sorry, "Homey don't play dat".

So, put the BIG kid panties back on and take a closer look. You many find that those "different ideas" are not only dangerous but disrespectful not only to you but your nation. "...and we know that Brutus IS an honorable man."


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I C that you are very adamant about your point of view, but being a bully doesn't help your standing here.


Enjoys Recycling
Jun 1, 2013
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Apparently you suffer from terminal uniqueness, assessing our current national reality in realm of just your understanding, as if we live in the worst time ever. I would point you to "Tuchman's Law": "The fact of being reported multiplies the apparent extent of any deplorable development by five- to tenfold." As explained, "In other words the chroniclers of a time in history, whether they are ancient monks or modern newspaper reporters always depict events as if their adverse effects are general and pervasive." You become intimate with threats that have no bearing on your existence.

Modern media invades our consciousness, robbing us of the real tranquility that we truly experience. Crime is down (look at statistics), the stock market is hitting record highs, and the job/housing market is coming back.

Quit listening to talk radio, turn off Faux News and realize you are no worse than we have ever been in this or past lives. This is not to say you shouldn't be prepared for dark days. Rather, a moderate approach to life is preferable to imagined paranoia. Living in fear distorts perceptions. It magnifies distant events and makes them proximately unrelated in a first hand way.:cool:


Enjoys Recycling
Jun 1, 2013
Reaction score
BTW, Lenin's first name was, "Vladimir". Brezhnev's was "Leonid."

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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B4 you all start getting on KM for his point of view, I want to ask, how many of you even remember this person? I do. And, almost every post that he made seemed to be trying to stir up trouble. Most, if not all of it was stuff that he was quoting, stuff that he had been told. He did not seem to have any opinions other than those that he had been given by others. He almost got at least 1 thread shut down because of it. When people tried to offer him a different perspective, he refused to even thing about it, just spouted more of the same stuff he had been taught.

I don't know about KM, but I don't watch or read much of the news. But, I do pay attention to what's going on around me. And I don't believe the world is getting better. I'm not going to go into a lot of details because I know not everyone is going to agree w/my point of view, and some would even consider it controversial. And, I don't believe this forum is the proper place to get into it. So, I'll say no more on this subject.


Enjoys Recycling
Apr 6, 2013
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Thank goodness I don't watch TV or listen to talk radio or any radio for that matter. I occasionally get to hear some radio when I am in the tractor, but then I prefer classical music and that is hard to find. I guess I do listen to "Prairie Home Companion" if I get the chance but that is so rare that I don't remember much of what goes on there.

As for my "opinion" well, yes, I have my "opinion" but I guess it would be helpful to distinguish "opinion" from reality. I try to keep that in perspective. A new poster is pointing out how wonderful things are in this country because I would imagine THEY are the ones listening to the TV and the liberal MSM. What they can't appreciate is that there are other ways of finding out what is going on in the world and I tend to use those sources a bit more often.

As for my "terminal uniqueness" well that is kind of like "fat cat" isn't it? It is kind of hard to get a leopard to change his spots don't you think, DFH (MFFG?)

Believing what we are being told about the stock market and the "economy" is just what the PTB WANT you to think, and they would prefer that you believe what THEY tell you. So, go out into the real world and look at what is REALLY going on. Then come back and tell me "It's all good now". Maybe a quick tour of the Middle East would help one's perspective. How about Syria? How about Iran? But things are great in Detroit and Chicago, right? They've eradicated gun violence and everyone there sings Kumbaya and holds hands...right?

Yes, I am adamant about some things. When you have had to defend those things with your life, you take a different perspective on them. When one is 16, one has the "UNIQUE" opportunity to have the opinions doled out by the MSM without having had the "UNIQUE" opportunity to see the world first hand "UP close and PERSONAL"

No, I am NOT a bully. I am persistent. My belief system does not change every 4-8 years depending on who is in the White HOuse. Fortunately for folks like MFFG and DFH, there are folks like me who DO believe in SOMETHING greater than themselves and will stand up for what they believe, even if it meant risking their lives to do it.

So, my dear friend, when you get back from your first combat tour, drop me a line and let me know how great everything is....I'm dying to hear about it. So whether I mis name Mr. Lenin or whatever, the truth is still the truth.

A wise saying I was taught in one of those "life experiences" states, "Your believing it is NOT a requirement for it being true"
So be careful "out there among them english..."


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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I was just cruising here, just to see what is up. Sad to see things haven't changed much.

I remember the members here welcoming him - Deb is right, I tried to present *facts*, particularly around economics, and he chose to dismiss them. I tried to stay away from personal opinions, so here is my personal opinion - IMHO, this is what is wrong with this country - too many slogans and soundbites have replaced real knowledge and understanding. Conservative views, in particular, are shouted down, not refuted by facts.

And for DumbFarmHand's comments,,,,

why the cheap shot at Fox News? Was that really needed? The other major news outlets (CNN, MSNBC, etc) have their own flocks of sheeple. Did any us denigrate the fans of those networks?

Classic tactic - "things aren't so bad right now, you're a *insert here what ever pejorative term you prefer to use" to expect things to be better than you have now, be happy with what you have given today" Dark undertones for me, having known many people who escaped the Iron Curtain and how public opinion was manipulated then.

You want to debate the *facts* of what's going on in the economy? Don't fall for the current message of "it's better now than it was in 2008/2009, wheeee, aren't things GREAT NOW!!!!!!

things SUCKED then, and I remember MUCH BETTER days in previous decades! The housing market has had no where to go BUT UP! The stock market is a bubble, based in part on the qualitative easing by the fed (dumping money into the system, it has to be put somewhere). Its going to crash in the next 18 months or so, if not sooner. I'm predicting right after the 2014 mid-terms.

Such is the problem when we can't have a civil, open, honest discussion of things political and economic that DO AFFECT OUR ABILITY TO BE SELF-SUFFICIENT. Civil discourse in the public square has faded into the past as a trite and idealistic memory of us "jaded middle-aged preppers". So when trolls, miscreants, or just naive folks come on board posting things based on political leanings, not facts, and someone responds, the responder trying to explain their point of view or differing opinion is the one who gets criticized.

Hey Deb, :hugs
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