Go to www.planetjune.com I buy lots of patterns from her.
That is called a Stockinette Stitch . It will give you a flat fabric. It is used for all most everything in knitting. It gives you the right side all knit stitches and the wrong side all purls. If you want to rib you need to have it like this KKKK PPPP KKKK PPPP. If you do KPKPKPabifae said:If i knit a row, purl a row, back and forth does it make it flatter or more rippled? I know knit purl back and forth on the same row is how to rib.
Sounds very interesting. Don't forget the photos when you are finishedabifae said:Great! That's what I want
I'm going to practice knits and purls and whatever-the-term adding and removing stitches.... So I am going to make a scarf that increases and decreases into a wavy look and use the knits/purls to add streamy water bits through the otherwise flat look.
It'll either be spiffy or really suckI can't wait to find out which!!!