My family got together for Easter just so we could have cinnamon rolls for brunch. Gotta have your priorities! I like the addition of the cream cheese frosting, but usually I don't think homemade cinnamon rolls require that . . . it is just an added bonus!
I have been making my cinnamon rolls with sourdough for a few years now and I really like them like that, but I had to go back to making them with regular yeast for this last batch (family wanted them with regular yeast) and so I was a little put off by how high maintenance commercial yeast is. I like my cinnamon rolls laid back . . . so I can make the dough the night before and not have to find a warm place to rise the dough, etc., and have them ready to roll in the morning . . . literally.
But any way you make them . . . they are the bomb! :bun
Me too, I make sourdough cinnamon rolls, and I put walnuts in with the brown sugar/cinnamon filliing. First time I made them, I made the frosting, but the kiddos asked me to leave them plain,so now I don't frost them. But.... if you do frost them, a little lemon juice in the glaze is nice.