Sustainability Master
I might put some in a raised bed one year...I don't have sandy soil in them but at least it's not clay. 

Well my blackeyed peas are doing well. So we planted a few more. We might get a pot of beans out of the deal. Got my first ripe watermelon of the year! It was tasty! Getting ready to plant for fall. Cant wait!
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Ya'll are moving right along! I'm still getting lots of peppers and I need to pick okra. Need to get that done... geeze I have a case of the "I don't wanna's".
The news has been showing a brown cloud over Texas....was wondering about you.LOL - Your babies are crying! Love it - yep you've got some new responsibilities!
We've got more African dust - so my sinuses are crying foul!!! It'll be gone by tomorrow so hoping I'll be back to normal. But, it'll still be hot... ugh.