Bottom tray (closest to the heated air outlet) is almost half way done hatching. Top tray is all pipped, but no zips. I figure ill find a bunch of chicks by morning.
Well i needed some more barred rocks. All but one of mine are dead. And i only have 2 white leghorns left and i really like them!
We should have lots of black sex links, maybe one or two buff Orpington, some rir, and a BUNCH of crosses between rir, bo, white leghorn, and ee. Should make for colorful cartons or eggs
I also enjoy having some BR in my flock. Of course Doms are also a winner. Both breeds produce wonderful BSL. Can't do a flock w/o EE. And, I'm enjoying my Buck Eyes. You're further south (I think) so comb size does not matter as much to you as it does to me.