I love your raised beds. I brought home (8) 2 x 8's last weekend. Planning to use them in the garden for raised beds. I have great soil, so really don't need raised beds. But, thinking it will help me to organize. Force me to curtail my propensity to plant WAY TOO MUCH. And, give me some hard core boundaries to make some chook tunnels to go EITHER between the beds, or OVER a bed.
What kind of fig? I bought a Brown Turkey seedling from Starks this spring. I have it potted in a ?14" pot, with intent to let it go dormant this fall, then move it into the garage (under the bedrooms, not heated) until weather gets real cold... then slide it into the basement where it should resume growth if I put a light on it, to get a jump start on next season. What is your lowest winter temp? Any periods below freezing? How long?