A new journey into homesteading "pic heavy"

Chic Rustler

Super Self-Sufficient
May 10, 2017
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You need a couple of lambs to graze that grass all summer, then send ‘em to freezer camp.

Keep working at it, giving up smoking is tough. Keep the running, modify the diet. Have one day a week to splurge on. Don’t get stupid about it, just take a day once a week to indulge a bit.

that day is today! lol


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
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Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
so the doc said a glass of red wine a day is a good thing. so maybe 1 glass goes down really easy and maybe those bottles are k8nda small. now the wife is mad because I'm driv king a bottle of wine a day.

eff it. my job is stressful and stress sucks ass.

That's funny... my wife fully supports my brewing and wine making hobbies.

Maybe I'm a little more pleasant to be around when I have a hobby.

Brewing is my hobby, beer is my reward.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
day 19. still not smoking. still on the diet. still running almost daily. I feel better than ever physically, but im just plain miserable. I want to smoke, I want to eat good food, and I dont want to take pills. I've always been a little hot headed but it seems to be more so lately. that may be a little bit of an understatement. you would think with all this new dieting and exercise that I would be losing alot of wieght...but ive lost none. makes me believe my old lifestyle wasn't too bad then...except for the smoking.

in other news none of the peaches fell off the trees. maybe they were not killed by the frost!?!? fingures crossed. the first batch of chicks has been moved outside and the new batch should be hatching this weekend!

I still have a bunch of seeds that I haven't planted. I may till another spot and plant something. idk...

I was planning on buying a grass sweeper for collecting grass clippings if I got a stimulus check, but that hasn't happened yet so I guess no toys for me. shame, all those grass clippings would have made wonderful mulch!! oh well, I still have a rake.
we have 3 acres. 2 of which get mowed. that's ALOT of taking to get the clippings when we need them. but they make great mulch, chicken bedding, etc

We have a double bagger on our ride on. Those clippings are like gold to me. When the grass is too wet, hubby lets it blow back onto the lawn. But, any time it's dry enough, it gets bagged and dumped in the coop, run, garden, hugel. Never enough grass clippings to go around, and I think we mow about an acre.

19 days is a GREAT accomplishment. I'm proud of you! You are fighting an addiction, and your brain doesn't want you to win this battle. But, you CAN do it. Every time you are tempted to give in to the urge, remind yourself that giving up smoking is like eating an elephant. When you look at the enormity of the task, it seems impossible to complete. But... HOW do you eat an elephant? ONE bite at a time! You can be successful in the moment, for the next few hours, for the night, and for the next day. Yeah, your brain wants to yank you around, but, find something to take pleasure in, something to be thankful for every time the urge sneaks up on you. You got this, man.

Chic Rustler

Super Self-Sufficient
May 10, 2017
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ok so today is day 22. we had 4 hatch and 1 die in the incubator. it was loaded with about 50 eggs. I'm not sure wht happened. but i was gone for a large portion of the incubation period at the hospital.

so...I'm gonna go see what tractor supply has today and go from there. I could also order 50 meat birds from my local feed store if I want.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
You can dig out a big round in the area you normally don't cut -- ok, cut it once to get stuff down some. Then in the round --hill, add chicken poop, throw some vining squash (butternut?), pumpkins, melons...let this spread out! They will help slow the growth of grass with a long vine & lot of big leaves. You will get amazing food. Squash & pumpkins can hold for several months in dark & cool/dry area. Family & hens will eat them. Throw some BOSS seed out there, too. Sunflower seeds will happen, after those lovely flowers finish.

I haven't gotten a stimulus fund either, yet. Supposedly the SS people won't until first half of May -- hope its this May. LOL But, my DD got hers last week in her account. Of course, she filed taxes early and had that refund in first wk of Feb. She's fast! LOL

GREAT with the no smoking!! Are you working now? Many are not. your wife being a hairdresser, I'd think she's at home.

Chic Rustler

Super Self-Sufficient
May 10, 2017
Reaction score
I'm working. wife is at home raising kids.