So I was calling around trying to find a cow to eat and got to talking about chickens. The store owner said she wants to order pastured chickens from me! She can't have them in her store but she would take preorders for me if i delivered them to the store. The big problem is I'm in Iowa and she is in Illinois. I was thinking of doing a pre order form then buying so many extra chicks per each order. Is this how it's done? I am going to need major help writing out a business plan. Should I give her free birds or a discount for allowing me to use her store for orders or a percent of each order? Do people pay up front or when they get the birds. Is it better to pay per pound or as a whole bird? Last year I just sold to friends at 12 a whole bird. I found a cheaper place for the chicks. She also wants some turkeys around thanksgiving. I am calling around trying to find a processor. I'm excited but I am a little over my head at the moment. So anyone want to shove me in the right direction?