That's what I used. We had one in the garage that hubby picked up on sale. I gave it a try to see what would happen and it worked! I say it is worth an experiment. The zote soap is only a dollar and the salt is cheap too. Plus, if it doesn't work you can still use the salt on your driveway in winter and you can still use the zote soap as a stain remover.
when it comes to houshold stuff I always worry about light, being that I often dont sleep at night and do a lot of work at that time.
So I have stocked up on light bulbs and candles incase there is not electricity.
Of course since I just arrived in the country a few weeks ago we are needing big ticket items. We purchased a high powered battery charger last week but what I really want is the chain saw, spare chain and repair and maintence kit. I will not rest easy until that is sitting in the garage.
I have been stockpiling and storing these kinds of things for a while now. At this point, I have more than a year's worth of everything I and my entire family might possibly use. I consider it a sort of ministry. Prepping, storage, etc., are the reason I started my blog, and I talk about these things kind of a lot there, so I won't go on and on here. My most recent entry was on organizing.
The conventional wisdom seems to be that things like toilet paper, for the very reasons you have discussed (space) would be an excellent barter item should the SHTF. I now have more than 300 rolls of toilet paper stored in the back corner of a closet. I took the cardboard tubes out, flattened the rolls, and was able to fit 30 in a 12x12x8 box. You can fit 9 or 12 paper towel rolls as well, depending upon the thickness.
I go to the dollar store once a month with $20 (YMMV) and stock up on one item, such as shampoo or conditioner, cleaning products, etc. Because I live alone, that's a generous amount.
I actually do have my bed up on 9" blocks and have storage underneath. About 15 boxes. Many people stack boxes behind or aside their couches, cover with a decorative cloth, and the storage serves as tables or credenza's. There are lots of places to put things in my house, but I don't have to deal with kids or hubbies !!!
BTW, the boxes I use are outdated USPS Priority mail boxes. I had about 75 of them originally, from a project I did mailing donated books to servicemen. The USPS has changed the size of their boxes, so i am not sure if this size is still available.
I kind of click into automatic pilot when discussing prepping and storage...sorry.
Dace, when I went to the SS fair given by the local LDS church the told me Albertson's carried the washing soda. Sure enough.... I went straight there and bout 2 boxes. the also carried the phdown in their pool supplies. The washing soda cost less so I went with it. For my first batch of laundry soap I used the baking soda. It seem to work ok.
A couple things I always keep my eyes open for are oil lamps at the goodwill store. I have purchased a case of Kleen Heat oil. So now I just look for good deals on the lamps.
Right now I am more at the 30 to 60 days with personal stuff and soaps, etc...
I have added to my bucket collection though and stocked some extra gamma lids and mylar bags. Just in case I come across something on sale in bulk.
I really like the idea of choosing one item per month. I will need to work on that.
I too have been storeing a years worth of "essentials" Toothpaste, tooth brushes, hand lotions...that sort of thing, you can get online, free samples. I get all of our sinus, headache, antacids, etc, free samples. We are not really that picky of the any free sample works for us. I have a rubbermaid tub...with 1 gallon baggies....filled with freebies. Coffee, creamer...altho a luxury item, is one of my biggest worries. Dont forget the filters too! I have been working on that for some time now. My biggest item I am trying to stock up on, canning supplies. The seals will be a big thing...when TSHTF, along with jars....which for now, I seem to have plenty. Never hurts to have a few extra cases, stacked in the garage tho.
Wicks and oil for my oil what I will be working on next.
Candles...I am covered. Every year, after Christmas, I go to wally world....and buy the candles marked way down. I can get tapers for 10 cents each! I have over 100 candles...all shapes and sizes. I also have several boxes of matches..and a flint stone...just in case. One other thing on my list...Aluminum foil. Dollar Tree, here I come! LOL
I used to be a huge collector of freebies. they are great...i would pull them out for my girls if they were going away for the weekend, or even just a sleep over.