acne remedies


Power Conserver
Aug 12, 2012
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Arkansas River Valley
Dawn419 said:
Herbal Remedies for Acne

Acne Herbal and Alternative Cures

Remedies for Acne and Skin Disorders

I have made my own herbal vinegars for acne and will post the recipe, as soon as I find it. ;)
Great links, thanks for posting them. I've been experimenting on the aloe vera for healing purposes and the apple cider vinegar. The article says that aloe vera can help your skin heal up to 10 times faster than normal. It does indeed make your skin heal up faster, or my skin at least. However, you need to be careful about using it. If you put aloe vera on a zit that is not done, emptied out, whatever you want to call it, the skin over the zit will heal but the stuff clogging the pore will be trapped under that healed layer and the zit not go away without further interference. My experimental conclusion, aloe vera is great to use to finish healing from past zits, but is not a good way to heal the zit itself. I'm still experimenting on ACV, but so far it seems to be quite effective.


Enjoys Recycling
Dec 9, 2012
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Those pills from the dermatologist are antibiotics and they do work pretty well. But you have to consider whether you're willing to risk a short term gain (clear skin) for a longer term resistance to antibiotics. I think it might be worth it for teenagers in their early teens. They are so self-conscious about their appearances and it might get them to stop picking at their faces and ending up with permanent scars. Toothpaste is supposed to work well on acne (dab on the zit overnight). My son had good luck with Listerine -- the alcohol in it is drying and it seemed to clear up his acne. I don't know how it would work on someone with super-sensitive skin, but I wouldn't recommend it on the entire face. Just dab it on the zits overnight. Although stress and hormones play a role, most oily skin is genetic.


Enjoys Recycling
Apr 21, 2013
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Someone a while back mentioned tea tree oil- I suffer from adult acne, and have tried a lot of things, including benzoil peroxide from the doctor, with some help- I do find though that tea tree oil is great in reducing the redness and helping blemishes dry up and heal faster!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Rhoda - do you still use salt water? How do you use it? I'm quite curious about this, as I always seem to have some sort of small red mark or blemish or tiny zit on my face. Nothing that would be considered full out acne, but always something somewhere. It bothers me after a while that I just can't get my face to clear up. Some of it I suspect is too much sugar, which I am working on getting under control, and it could possibly be gluten, but I haven't gotten far enough in adjusting my diet yet to see if it helps.
I don't use chemical shampoos, I only use Dr. Bronner's pure castile soap to wash with, I don't use makeup, and at most I rub a thin layer of coconut oil on my face now and then (not very often). I'm lazy and often don't wash my face because I have not found anything that seems to be reasonable to wash it with that doesn't leave me feeling uncomfortable or so squeaky clean that it feels odd. I do have a toner that I use from Wachter's Sea Products, which is nice, but it still doesn't clear things up. At most I use hot water on a washcloth to hold against my face, and then rub gently to help remove dirt and oil. I'm wondering if I can use heated salt water instead of the plain water if that would help.
Of course, right now my eyes are all yucky from allergies which is driving me nuts! Hopefully the pollen will be done soon.


Power Conserver
Nov 20, 2009
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Here what I would do when I was teenager and had a breakout. wet a towel with hot water as hot as you can stand without burn you self. Put it on your face for a few minutes. Then take a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol on it wipe your face. Be careful around your eyes. Then I would put Noczema on. wash it off with cold water. I'm not sure how natural Noczema is though.

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