The Old Ram-Australia

Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 5, 2011
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G'day Gang,welcome back ,hope you enjoy your visit with us.

Wed was another awful day ,still blowing a gale,as I had the ewe lambs in the shed I thought I might as well drench and crutch/belly shear them(46 + 1 grandmother).Now I forgot to mention before that I always "shear the grandmothers" first ,why?Because if they are cold they will take the lambs to shelter.Lambs have to be "taught" everything,otherwise freshly shorn ones will stand out in the cold and "freeze"....................Took Jack and Ruby out to the breeder ewe's and had a look at the state of the "feed",they will be "right " until Sunday when I bring them in closer to start shearing them.
Today (Thursday)was as usual retail therapy.So the plan is between now and Sat "arvo" to shear 100+ lambs,(should happen OK).Sunday spend the day "spraying" and bring in the breeder ewe's and start "shearing " them Monday.(Well that's the plan)

Q & A:~GD.With regard to the Foot and Month thing ,I am relying on memory and perception,it was not so much "breeds " as "flocks",and I still recall truckloads of "bodies " being dumped into "lime pits"...Question.once infected is the animal not able to be sold for "human consumption"?If it cannot eat once infected doesn't is lose weight rapidly?In the Wild North there are "feral" everything's and so transmission would be swift and uncontrolled.

When we did our "firearms training",we used 38 Smith and Weston's and the instructor told us if the enemy was more than about 20yds away we may be better throwing the revolver at them,we also used the Bren Gun,the Sten Gun and the "trusty old".303......Those of us who had high scores were sent off for extra training in camouflage and the use of the British Sniper 303, which was a lightweight version with a "peep sight"(it still had a hell of a "kick" though).At that time we were using the British Centurion Tank ,5 forwards and 2 reverses with a "crash gearbox"you could only do 22 MPH,but it weight 50 ton.It was not a "bad" gun platform standing still, but pretty ordinary on the move,it had the Merlin V12 (left over from the Spitfires)and NO brakes to speak of...I was turned off the Amoured Corp ,when at a "range day" they turned up with a Land Rover ,mounted with a "recoil-es cannon" that could "blow" the tracks off with one shot....Still all that training has come in handy with the foxes and dogs and feral pigs and that's why I can get buy with just a .22 magnum.....Enough of the "Old Days".
We are lucky in that we have not only the "native dung beetles",but some of the "imported "ones as well,but its hard with sheep as they find the small tight pellets "hard going",but on fresh feed when the "poo" is the big "dog poo type"they really get into it.Our biological control agents are all insects,we have two for the Scotch Thistle and one for the Paterson's Curse and they are slowly "depleting the seed bank".We just wish there was something for the Serrated Tussock.......The Scotch Thistle one's are one that eats the "guts" out of the flowers and the other is some sort of a "leaf miner",The Curse one kills the crown buy eating down the tap root,the first year we got it (it flew in from a property upwind from us)they wiped out every mature plant on the place and now we just let then attack the "seedlings as they germinate".We have quite a good "virus" for blackberry I am told......We had a big problem getting "virgins" as well,but being on the "selection panel" was lots of FUN!!!!!

I do hope the rest of you are enjoying two "old" blokes reminiscing about the "old days"(two bad for you if you don't,My journal ,My rules).

I think that's enough for tonight,we hope you will return again in the future(and maybe leave a comment),so till next time our best wishes to you all ......................................T.O.R............................


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 13, 2011
Reaction score
35 NW of Green Bay, WI

I love your journal! I can just "hear" you speaking as you write.

So, absolutely on the your journal, your rules. Wouldn't be the same if they weren't your rules.


The Old Ram-Australia

Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
Hi and welcome to you all ,old friends and new.

Well it was a bit of a shock this morning to wake up to-5C,it was as white as snow and a big "fog" to boot.we did not get a breeze until almost 11am.So had a "play"on the computer,updated some farm files ,sent an e-mail and "hooked up" a Flat Bed Scanner which I picked up at a "charity shop"yesterday for $2.00,(Its a Cannon Lide 25)It came with the lead ,disc and directions.What a BARGAIN. ........It does the lot and because we have a "legal" XP,Windows let us install it and I can do so much stuff.(even though we have a scanner in our printer)this is "way" easier to use........................So to work.

Picked up Ruby and we "mustered " the 60 "whether " lambs and got to work,because it was such a late start I only got 30 done in3 hours.Put the rest up on the shearing stand and got Jack and went out and got the 40 ewe lambs ,and put them in a covered pen so they will be "dry" in the morning.......They are saying another -4C with a fog tomorrow as well ,but at least the sheep will be "dry".70 may be a big ask for tomorrow,so we may have to amend the "plan",anyway we will see what happens.

Q & A:Bimpnottin.Thank for your kind remarks,how about you tell me (us)a little about "your" place.(don't worry about the others) as this is part of the "fun" for us,us learning about what other people are up to on their farms(don't forget some pic's) .

Tonight's post looks to be a bit "slim" I know ,but there you go,the TV is recording a movie for me so I will close now and with a little bit of luck we can meet again tomorrow night,Best Wishes ,.......................................T.O.R.........................................


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
Reaction score
Got to ask is your TV over the air or by wire? Mine is by paid satellite. The US switched from analog to digital broadcast I am in the outer fringe of broadcast TV and didnt want to replace the analog receiver that I had so I paid way too much for satellite service. I actually watch more TV on the internet for free than I use my receiver. I have a big chair and I usually doze off when I watch the receiver, I have a standard office chair for my computer and dont have that problem here. However I did forget to post the following which I wrote as a reply to your previous post.

We were trained on the M1911A1 auto 45 handgun. 1911 was the year it was introduced. But the Navy considered it a show weapon like an officers sword. What was issued if there was any fear we would need a firearm were 12 gauge pump shotguns with #1 shot. Better knock down and able to inflict a lot of nonfatal pain over a wide area. Unlike the ground forces we werent tested for accuracy, just gun safety.
I wondered if the sheep pellets would be hard for the dung beetles, they have problems with horse apples but do a job on cow pies. I am glad that the insects are working like they should. We have problems with wild roses since they make such nice hedges; one fool came up with a virus that attacks all roses and apples. They think they destroyed it all with a burn where it was trialed. My brother has a beetle that eats only the rose hips before they produce seed. He figures it could be 15 years before it is cleared because of the many different roses and apples that it will have to be tried on.
I dont want to tie up all your time, one question have you ever heard of fat tailed sheep? My woman in Vic seemed to think they were the greatest thing since tinned beer. ~gd

The Old Ram-Australia

Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
G'day,how'ya'goin today.....................we've got a bit to chat about on this post,so I had better get on with it.

The last time we spoke there was a big day in front of me(Sat).In spite of the forecast we awoke to a perfect morning ,although it was about 0C,it was sunny and the "makings" of a perfect winter's day.....So to work,sharpened up the "gear' and got started about 10am,shore 30 wethers by a little after 12 noon.Jenny came over with some lunch for me and I took a little "break".At 1Pm I kicked off again only 40 ewe lambs to go..........Now today is the day of"reckoning" ,because when the "wool" comes off the ewe's you can gauge the "success or not" of last years breeding...The "top line" is IMO is the "best " we have ever bred,and would hold there own against all but the "very best " of the Suffolk Studs in the country.
As the afternoon went by and the numbers got "done" it seemed we would get the 70 done for the day(a new record for this "old bloke").well into the afternoon and the last pen was emptying and "suddenly" it was the last one on the "boards".The hand-piece almost sang as we did the "long blows",over the head and down the shoulder and onto the short "blows" on the "whipping side ribs" the hand-piece glided over the skin "barely" touching the ewe,the last two blows turned back at the end of the blow to expose the leg at the "groin".Make a "fist" and pres lightly on the groin to tighten the skin over the hip/rump and down the calf,taking care at the end of the blow to turn your wrist so you do not(thanks DL) injure the Akillies Tendon.Give her a "nudge "with your heals and down the chute she "goes"................Turn off the gear and walk the today's effort down to a sheltered paddock to get some feed overnight,feed the dogs and head home for a well earned shower and a drink(or maybe 2 or 3)........Tomorrow I have to "press" all that wool,but that's for tomorrow....Today has been one "helluva"effort and I doubt I will be able to repeat it for some little while.

Sunday:This morning we had a light "frost"and -1/2C,over to the shed and start on all that wool,now our press is an old Ajax manual one so it takes a while , usually press about 70/80 kg to a bale otherwise there to "damm" heavy for me to move around.So two bales later ,all the bins are empty again ready for the breeder ewe's to start......................After lunch took Jack and Ruby out to the front paddock(about3KMs)to pick up the breeder's and move them close by the shed.I opened the gate and they all "bolted" through it,down the hill and through the first gate.They pulled up for a "breather" and waited for us to catch up,Ruby moved them along the flat and to the next gate,Called her back and turned Jack off to make sure they went through the "right" gate,he shot to the" head" to hold them on the fence,otherwise they would be "away"down a 20ac strip,through the "last"gate and call him "back","Great work ,Son",back home for a "feed".
Tomorrow I have to spend most of the day "spraying",I've got two paddocks to finish and a third which I want to put all the lambs into as soon as we get a shower of rain to wash the herb-aside into the ground................There will not be many weekends much better than this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Q & A :~GD Aussie is in the "throus" of changing over from anol to digital now,we got a "new" flat-screen for the bedroom ,but kept our old wide-screen in the lounge and got a HD recorder with twin turners.Its great we can record 2 programs ,watch 1 record 1,I have a heap of stuff on the hard drive,maybe it will rain soon and I will see some of it(LOL) .......The term for the English,was it "Limey's"?.....I would love to have the chance to change to Fat-tailed hair sheep,but I was "just" to old to "start again" and they really excel in the "drier regions",who would not want No shearing,No crunching and No flt-strike.(actually I'm a "glass stubbie"man myself).
That shotgun does not appeal much to me ,if the other guy is a 1000yds away and trying to "kill"you.

Well I hope you have enjoyed your visit with us and we may "hear" from you in the future,till then "go safely".............................T.O.R..............................


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
Reaction score
TOR Another thing alike. I too had the HD recorder and twin tuners!
So the Fat-tailed sheep is a meat animal rather than a wool animal she didnt mention that. Can you make money on wool? I have heard that it is subsidized in the hills of the UK to keep the farmers on the land. I almost missed the reference to glass stubbie they are rare here most beer is sold in Long-necks (bottles) or cans holding 350 mL. I am sort of an odd duck since I like Stouts, Potters, and Ales served at around 10C rather than the Lagers at 0-5C. Not Limeys, that is American slang, Pommies! Is supposed to be Aussie slang.
Shotguns were broke out when we were at anchor in ports that might not be friendly. May Day in Naples comes to mind. Remember I was Navy and we had big guns for long range work. Did you snipe from your battle tanks while they were on the move? Shots of 1000 yards from a moving vessel at a moving target get to be tricky for a sniper but a 20mm auto cannon or a 5 inch gun is another story..~gd


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Shearing day went great. :D They say that practice makes perfect.
You had a typo that gave me a laugh.
" taking care at the end of the blow to turn your wrist so you do injure the Akillies Tendon. "
I'm pretty sure you meant -don't injure- that tendon.

Do you send the wool to be cleaned/processed or do you do it at home?

The Old Ram-Australia

Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
G'day Gang , hope you are all well? I know its been a couple of days ,but I hope to bring everybody up to date tonight.

So ,where were we,(scroll page)OK, we are up to Monday:Another frosty,foggy start,checked and sprayed 120 acs,that should "shut him up" for a while.
Tuesday:we are up to the breeders,this brought me back to earth with a start.Now I am 5'11 and 75 kg "soaking wet",the ewe's weigh between 60/85 kg,so we only got 46 done today.All the packs are full and before I do anything tomorrow I have to press the wool."GOD", I was worn out after that lot.
Wednesday:Got started about 9.30,pressed the wool and made a start on some more ewe's,8 before lunch and 11 + 4 rams after,pressed some more wool.Took the dogs for a run and "gave" myself an early mark(4.30).Tomorrow is "retail therapy".So we will chat again Friday night next.

Q & A:(looks like a lot to get through here)"Must be a reward for all that shearing the other day! So 1 animal takes about 5 minutes under your skilled hand?"(Framing Fowl)...To just take the sheep numbers and divide it by the hours is a little "simplistic".Normally in a "shed" the shearer just "shears" ,someone else clears the wool off of the board and also fills the pen with sheep as well as pressing the wool.In our shed I do the lot as well as stop to "sharpen" the gear.The time the sheep is on the board is about half the 5 mins you talk about.I also work a "short" day (cause I'm so old).
DL: thanks for that I did an edit.We cut about 1000lbs or more of wool each year,we have a "wool buyer" come and quote ,weigh and pay on the spot for our "clip".The last few years we have only got $1.00 per KG for the fleece lines,but it should go up this year as the price for wool has gone up quite a bit.

~Gd:I.m hoping the price we get is going to increase this year(see above)....If you drink straight from "long-necks" you are considered a bit of a "drunkard",if we have "tinnies" I like a glass as you can taste the metal,I like my "beer " at about +5C myself.(well that's what I think)...I did not get to the "end-game" with the training ,but it was for a small group (max 3)to move cross country and "neutralize"a target with a single shot and them get the hell out of there.Now I think they use a "drone" with a lazier guided bomb to achieve the same outcome.We would loved to have had the "night-scopes"they have now.(I would like to get one for the "foxes" as well as a "silencer",but they are "illegal" down here).I priced one, over $2000 for a "night-scope".

Well Gang ,that looks like the end of another post",OH"and by the way,Jenny got "cracking "in the cooking dept and we now also have a "cookie jar" of Anzac Bickies and a jar of "Yummy Cookies "as well,(lucky I'm working hard,or I would be as "fat as a seal"),so till the next time we chat,our best wishes to you all...........................................T.O.R...............................


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
Reaction score
Is the A$1/kg the price for your un-classed wool including seedy jowls, shanks, bellies and skirts or is the price for fleece only ? Since it appears that you act as classer and presser as well as shearer, I suspect the first otherwise the buyer would have to know and trust you.
If you dont drink from a long neck you would be considered to be a sissy here. Women of our age and down to about 45 will usually request glasses, women younger than that usually drink from the bottle. Tinnies I dont buy them because of the metal test. I did buy some oversized tins of Fosters upon the recommendation of the Aussy lady. I was not impressed but I read the label and found that it did not come from down under, brewed in Texas under Fosters permission to use the name and using Fosters brewing instructions not the real thing at all.
Well the end game has changed a bit or so the snipers here tell me (I mentioned before that my town is next to the training site of most of our elite forces) one mission is in urban warfare where they set up in building and pick off heavy weapons crew men that think they are safely out of range. Another is to watch the roadways and pick off the people setting mines and bombs under cover of darkness (night-scopes & silencer jobs) the laser guided weapons are usually saved for high value targets and a laser is used to paint the target the weapon itself could be from the main gun of a tank or even one man guided missiles. Often the laser painter is not a true sniper, not a marksman but well trained in concealment. Silencers are illegal, night scopes are not for sale here but are easy to make from their many security uses, I have to ask what is a Anzac Bickie and why arent they kept in a bisket tin?

The Old Ram-Australia

Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
G'day Gang ,how'yer'goin?...Now I know I'm "late",lucky I'm not a paper editor as you would never get your news on time.

Shopping day passed without any "drama's(Thursday).
Friday ,first thing was to take Ruby and "muster",once they were in the yards ,press a bale of wool,sharpen the gear and off we went .Managed 32 for the day,turned them out for a feed and off home.
Saturday we went to a "farm clearance sale",they had a lot of "sheep stuff",but nothing I needed ,we caught up with some friends and had a "good gossip",so the day was not a total loss.
Sunday(today),I had a "good sleep in",got over to the shed about 11am and took the dogs to "muster" ,once they were in ,press another 1&1/2 bales of wool .I managed about 15 in the "arvo".I have now done about 230 ,with only about 100 to finish.They are saying the weather is going to be bad for the next few days and a check of the "radar" is showing a band of rain heading for us overnight.

Q&A:..~GD.We have been using the same buyer now for a few years and at the start he said that we only needed to "class out" the bellies and the crutching's,so we press in just 2 lines.Which suits me.Our place is pretty seed free,with no "burr" and not many "prickle's".so our VM is really low.
Anzac "bickie's" are the "best cookie" known to mankind,during WW1,wives and mothers baked them and sent them off in tins to the boys overseas.As we have almost exhausted the Wildlife Spot ,what do you all think of a Cook's Nook?I will consult Jenny and see if she will "share "some of her "secrets".It will be just for the people who follow the journal.I cant imagine anything more "unlady like" than "Girls/Ladys" drinking from a "longneck".
Nachogtpie:"Mmmmm!! Those look delish! I wish I could get my husband to enjoy afternoon tea! He says I'm too British as it is by putting milk and sugar in my tea!"Afternoon tea is a very "civilized"occasion it ranks with a few Bourbons before "Dinner" and a Port before bed.

Well I guess I had better sign off now,before you girls send someone to "do me in" for my comments.Hopefully I will make it back tomorrow night as I hope to get about 50 odd sheep shorn tomorrow,so til next time stay safe "you all" .............T.O.R........................

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