Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
So it wasn't really in the plans to get bees this year - not really sure it was in the plans at all, although the idea had been tossed out there in passing and The Man Unit had said, "Absolutely Not".
Usually that means, case closed.
But not this time.
The winds of change threw some bees our way - via a swarm from my mom's hive!
We managed to get through a whirlwind few days and had 1 crash course in beeking, and now, we're both hooked!!
Since I don't have the needed veil, I was patiently (or so not) waiting for my mom to loan me hers so I could check on my bees.
There was a little concern that they were not working the frames, but rather building burr comb in the top, frameless deep super.
And boy was that ever a valid concern!
FYI, you do NOT want to do this at home!
Or with your own hive.
E and I ventured out, with E keeping a fair distance for his "safety" and I proceed to check my hive for the first time.
Removed the telescoping lid, and then started to lift the inner cover - and *gasp* they had started building on the inner cover!!
That was Monday - I was so unprepared, and not sure how to proceed, never having worked a hive before, that I shut everything back up - while my husband was falling over himself with laughter. Some help he is.
After a couple of desperate emergency calls, we did get in touch with a local Beek, but he wouldn't be available to come out until Sunday.
So we ended up talking to our Amish friend, and he came out on Wednesday to help me with the hive.
First, we had to get beyond the guards -
I just love this picture!! It's almost like they are looking out and saying, "Don't even THINK you're going to get past us!" LOL
"What are YOU doin'?"
"Say hello to my Little Friend"
I could go on and on.......lol but I won't....
But I do have to say, that is absolutely one of my FAVORITE pics that I took.
More to come in Post 2.
Usually that means, case closed.
But not this time.
The winds of change threw some bees our way - via a swarm from my mom's hive!
We managed to get through a whirlwind few days and had 1 crash course in beeking, and now, we're both hooked!!
Since I don't have the needed veil, I was patiently (or so not) waiting for my mom to loan me hers so I could check on my bees.
There was a little concern that they were not working the frames, but rather building burr comb in the top, frameless deep super.
And boy was that ever a valid concern!
FYI, you do NOT want to do this at home!

E and I ventured out, with E keeping a fair distance for his "safety" and I proceed to check my hive for the first time.
Removed the telescoping lid, and then started to lift the inner cover - and *gasp* they had started building on the inner cover!!
That was Monday - I was so unprepared, and not sure how to proceed, never having worked a hive before, that I shut everything back up - while my husband was falling over himself with laughter. Some help he is.
After a couple of desperate emergency calls, we did get in touch with a local Beek, but he wouldn't be available to come out until Sunday.
So we ended up talking to our Amish friend, and he came out on Wednesday to help me with the hive.
First, we had to get beyond the guards -

I just love this picture!! It's almost like they are looking out and saying, "Don't even THINK you're going to get past us!" LOL
"What are YOU doin'?"
"Say hello to my Little Friend"
I could go on and on.......lol but I won't....
But I do have to say, that is absolutely one of my FAVORITE pics that I took.
More to come in Post 2.