Beets simmering in milk/cream. They will be tempered with the yolks, and in the morning get turned into ice cream. When I mentioned to my boss (the farmer) that I had a yummy beet ice cream recipe he made a face and said ice cream should not be tampered with like that, so of course I will have to take him some to try.
I don't think I would have had an ice cream maker on my "to get" list, but since I won it, why not? It has been fun trying different things in it, there are recipes for frozen yoghurt, and ice cream made with coconut milk, and kefir, etc. so goats milk should work too.
I am thinking about getting some goats for milk, for home use, once I've moved and settled at my new home. Which is what the "to get" list is for... There are a few things on there already, mostly non-essentials that I'd like to have around the kitchen for food processing.