Adventures of OkieAnnie's "homestead"


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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You are so cute....i secretly have the same problem with my first garden this year! We've been doing pretty well though. My kids are loving our cucumbers!


City slicker gone rural
Jun 13, 2009
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Lordihams - I have 2 cucumbers growing! I hope they will make it to edible stage. We harvested our carrots because the greens hadn't grown in so long. They did not do as well as I thought. They were all soft and skinny. I think I may have chosen the wrong kind of seeds to plant and maybe the soil wasn't right . . oh, yeah . . my brown thumb may have come in to play as well :gig But, they did grow, so I will count it as a partial success and have the soil tested by our extensions office before planting them again.

We lost 3 more corn stalks, I think to cutter bugs. the corn looks like it is doing good and I hope to get some tomatos. We will see.

Our plans for our shin-dig on Friday are going well. I am excited for it. Have I mentioned that my hubby and I are finally having a wedding? I am so excited. in 30 days we leave for vacation. I am hoping a friend of mine will stay at our place while we are gone. She isn't doing too well health wise. I hope the change of scenery and pace will help her a little. If you are a praying person, her name is Karla and she is a single mom with no support and has been told she will be on Chemo the remainder of her life. She is feeling very lost and hopless right now.

On a funny note, I have been plannning on writing about this all morning.
My hubby and I were both raised with the motto "He who dies with the most toys wins" so our current lifestyle or pursuit there of, is quite facinating and maybe frightening to our families.

My mom used to actually encourage greed in our home at Christmas by giving us all the toy magazines and telling us to circle (my brother and I had different colors assigned to us) what we wanted. then she would be really rotten and tell each of us . ."he has more toys circled than you, you need to circle more", or "he circled that first, isn't it neat, don't you want it" . . then we would be all heart broken and dissapointed when Christmas came and we only got 2 or 3 gifts. I figured it out fairly young, but my brother hates Christmas to this day because of it. He was always hopefull that he would get everything he circled.

So, fast forward 30 years. My little bug's 5th birthday is coming up. My mom asked her on Sunday at lunch what she wanted for her birthday. My daughter was all excited to be asked the question and she went on and on about how she is hoping to get the white pony because her ponies Pinky Pie and Soda Pop are very sad because they don't have thier white horse friend.

My mom calls me later that day and says she needs more information about this white horse that Katie wants because she saw a white My Little Pony horse, but not the one that Katie wants. When I told her the one she saw is what Katie wants for her birthday she was in shock because it is only $6 and that is all that Katie wants. :gig
She kept asking me if I was sure that was all that Katie wanted and was I sure that is what it is that she is asking for. It took me several minutes to assure her. I had to tell her "Mom, she doesn't watch TV, she doesn't get magazines, she just isn't influenced by the need for toys or stuff. She is happy to be in the chicken run for hours and play with her 2 My Little Pony horses and that is all she needs.

I am so glad that is all she is wanting. The funny thing is she keeps talking about her birthday because she will be "big kid" when she turns 5 and she says "oh, I just hope and dream that Pinky Pie and Soda Pop get thier white friend for my birthday". I think it is so sweet that she is hoping for a friend for her horses.

I learn so much from my kids! I just love them :love

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