The barred rocks here are pretty docile, but the other dual purpose birds are meaner than cat ****. Well, ok, maybe that's an exaggeration, but I can certainly say that the leghorns are friendly and will eat out of your hand and even jump to get a piece of food without taking half of your finger with it, while the other ones will dance around out of your reach, then jump in, grab whatever they can get (be it finger, flesh or food) and bolt. When the birds come out of the roosting tree on rainy nights, the leghorn girls are always calm and don't flog me, while the other birds beat their wings into my face and don't stop until I restrain them. It all depends on how the leghorns are raised and where you get them from.
i think HOW there raised will definatly play a part in temperment,ive met some of the nicests birds that are of breeds supposedly well known for being mean or flightly and some of the flightiest birds ive known were breeds well known to be "docile" lol.
for geese to avoid overly "MEAN" geese stay clear of the chinese breeds (any breed with a knob on te beak as adults) they are supposedly the most prone to being "MEAN"
now ALL breeds will be agressive during breeding season, they are UPPOSED to be, its instinctual and you want a protective male...raise them with lots of hands on but not too much babying, as you want them to respect you during breeding season, but dont be uprised when even the sweetet goose turns into a crazed monster during the laying season.
that being said look into the pomeranians, the american buffs, cotton patch and pilgrims if you want "easy going" romans, embdens and tolouse are "middle ground" supposedly