I was thinking of getting some Free Aged horse manure from a guy I found on Craigslist. He said he has some that is aged up to 5 years and then some that is 3 and 1. So, im assuming the 5 yr stuff is going to be almost like dirt by now. I was wondering how much to put on my garden and if i should just top dress or work in?? I think my garden needs a little boost in the way of natural fertilizers. But i dont want to be too rich in nitrogen and have super big plants and no veggies on them.
Also I got lazy last fall and never worked the garden so its all pretty much like i left it last fall. Is it too early to work it now? i was thinking i would get a truck load of the aged manure and then work that in and let it sit another month and then when im ready to plant get some more and just top dress around my plants. Is there a negative to working the soil too early?? its nice and dry now and i was thinking it might give it some time to start decomposing the junk from last year (that i shouldve working in last fall) Ideas??
Also I got lazy last fall and never worked the garden so its all pretty much like i left it last fall. Is it too early to work it now? i was thinking i would get a truck load of the aged manure and then work that in and let it sit another month and then when im ready to plant get some more and just top dress around my plants. Is there a negative to working the soil too early?? its nice and dry now and i was thinking it might give it some time to start decomposing the junk from last year (that i shouldve working in last fall) Ideas??