I line dry year round and do not have a problem with stiff clothes. I use fabric softner and I try to take them down as soon as they are dry. It seems the longer they "bake" the stiffer they become so it works for me to take them in as soon as they dry which usually means as soon as the next load is ready to hang out.
I don't mind the stiff dungarees, most of my other clothes don't end up stiff, for some reason - other than the towels. I actually love that stiffness, it's an exfoliating experience to towel dry off! My son hates it, I told him tough, consider it a spa experience for free - or get your own towels and wash them yourself!
Just came in from hanging a load. I love the feeling of line dried towels and hate the ones dried in the dryer especially if a softenr has been added. I feel like it doesn't do the job. I too like the exfoliating feeling. Makes me feel extra clean. And you just can't beat the smell. I feel the same way about the sheets. I'll use the dryer to get wrinkles out sometimes. Mostly when I have an office job to go to. Which I haven't for about three years now.
There's something about seeing a laundry line with all those clean clothes, sheets and towels hanging up that always makes me feel comfy cozy.
When my daughter was a baby, we lived in San Francisco and I often handwashed everything and then strung it up on whatever line I could rig up. My neighbors frequently looked at me ascanse. Some where outraged that I dared air our laundry for everyone to see. Considering it was mostly white diapers, I don't know what their problem was. I hung the adult undies up, where no-one could see them but us, so they wouldn't get even more offended.
My daughter had diaper rash only twice, I attribute that to line dried diapers.
Love to line dry. Even do it in the basement with a small fan on in the winter. I am amazed that all the developements going up around us do not allow clothelines!
Growing up, mom had no choice but to line dry. I don't think they had invented dryers yet.
In the winter or on rainy days, the laundry got hung up in the attic of the apartment building. Imagine those poor women lugging that wet laundry up 4 flights of stairs from the basement where the "washer" was.
Spring? We have been in a snowstorm for two days...Highways North were closed Saturday and Sunday, Highways South were closed today...If I had hung out my clothes, you people down in Florida would probably be picking them out of your beautiful green hedges right now
Good thing I live in California. Sending some nice weather your way!!! We're supposed to get some rain. So I took the laundry down. It's still a touch damp, but it'll be dry by morning.
It snowed today, so my load went in the dryer. I have hung out probably 8 loads so far this year. Soon, every load will be line dried. Can't wait!!!!! I too like the line dried towel feel, and I say the same thing--its like a loofa for when you get out of the tub.
THANK YOU SO MUCH! You've given me such a good idea! Your household appliances use about 10% of the bill, so hanging your clothes could save so much money!