I don't feel like I got all that much accomplished today. The 3 kids and I left around 8:45 this morning and just got back at 3:30ish.
Lily had a half hour Lapsit and Read at the library. The boys were ok during it. Basically, the 3 and unders that can walk have a sing-along and read-along. Lily was a bit intimidated the first time but seemed to warm up this time. We/I forgot to sign them up for the storytimes last week so they won't be able to participate next month. I'll be sure to call first thing on the opening day next month though for August.
After the Lapsit and read was over the kids and I got some books (that took about an hour). I got three books for myself, two knitting books and one called "The New Strawbale House". It was in the building and design section so I guess I'll figure out what it is about. I had initially looked for the books that "Cold Comfort Farm" was supposed to be a parody of but was unsuccessful. I finished "Cold Comfort Farm" in 3 days for book club. I was so worried that I wouldn't finish it that now I'm worried if I'll remember that story for book club. LOL
When we were done at the library, I had a choice to try to tough it out through Walmart with 3 hungry kids or to just go ahead and feed them. I chose to go with food. We went and had lunch at Chili's. I know I could have done McD's but I wasn't in the mood for fast food and I didn't want to waste the gas heading all the way back to the house just to go back into town. Again, the kids were mostly good. We had a few words about chewing with our mouths closed and how we needed to stay at our table but other than that it was really manageable.
Next stop, the bank. Easy stop. Kids were good. I didn't have to repeat myself too many times to them that they needed to stay with me.
Walmart. NOT FUN. The boys went to the bathroom first thing. Then, while we are just about done looking at roasting pans (I was debating whether to go with a foil pan or to see if the bird would fit in my current roaster ) when my son tells me that he needs to go potty again. No, he wasn't kidding or looking for an excuse to play. He was just being 3 and not recognizing that he should try to go #1 and #2 at the same time. Finally, we get to start grocery shopping and it was miserable. The kids were tired of being told what to do and I was tired of dragging them around the store and scolding Aiden for wandering away to look at the fish, screaming and running up and down the aisles, etc, etc, etc. Eventually, I've had it and snatch him up and slam him down on a metal bench they had near the milk to give him a time-out (after the umpteen-millionth time of telling him to settle down and quit acting crazy). He immediately starts wailing and I got evil looks for disciplining my kid. After a few minutes to calm down (both of us), I sat down and pulled him into my lap and talk about how he is not allowed to act like this at home and it isn't appropriate in public either. Then, I take a look at this back. It has a scratch from the damned metal bench on it and I feel like a complete and utter jerk. He's ok, it is just skinned but still, I shouldn't have waited until I was that frustrated either. We finished our shopping as quickly as possible and got out of there.
Final stop was Ace/American Pride Co-op. I got some straw and pine shavings and left. It was quick. The kids behaved (mostly). And I was exhausted.
I'm debating whether to take a short nap or go clean out the chicken coop. We have some thing to go to tonight with my friend and her kids. I already comitted myself to it but I don't think I really want to go anymore. I'll still go though.
I don't do Fly Lady. I started using Sidetracked Home Executives in 1979 or 80. Fly Lady was one of their students. I talk about that here in H23's journal.
AB - I think we have all been there. Like you said, the trick is not to wait until you have reached your frustration limit.
We used to put the kids in carts in the store so we would not have the "run arounds" or hanging off the clothes racks. Once, one of my son's friends went with us to KMart. I think they were about 8 at the time. Son's friend started acting up and I threatened to put him in the shopping cart seat if he couldn't behave. My son looked at his friend and said - "Don't laugh - she will do it - you better behave!" I thought it was too funny... and had a hard time keeping a straight face.
I don't have plans to go anywhere today (YEAH!!!!) but have a mountain of housework that needs doing. My goals for today are:
Finish cleaning the kitchen.
Clean up the Dining Room.
Clean the Living Room.
See if we have the tools to take down the swingset (broken). IF we do, start taking it down. If not, plant the sprouted seedlings and weed the poison garden (taters, peppers and maters).
ETA: Need to clear off the computer desk as I didn't get to it the other day.
Actually, the frame is what was broken. LOL The kids were swinging too high and bent the arm one day. I've been thinking about seeing if we could get any money for it from a scrap metal place.