Mountain Sage
Now, I know this is going to sound really gross to most folks and it did to me when I first heard it...but, if you've ever suffered from a really big cold-sore that took forever to run its course, then you would understand why anyone would even try it! Painful and ugly!
I used to get them pretty badly in grade school and sometimes in my early twenties, but not since I found a "cure".
I had one on my usual place~right below my lip~ one day and an elderly lady noticed and asked me if I wanted to know something that would stop it before it started? Of course, being a nurse, I know that the only thing available for a cold sore is an anti-viral and, even then, they may or may not help.
She said.......are you ready? ........ when you first feel that tingle, or burning feeling, before the actual blisters appear, put some of your own ear wax on the spot!
Well, the next time I felt one coming on~being the pioneer that I am~I tried it!
It worked.
Thereafter, I used it to good effect each time. One day I didn't recognize the tingle, as it had been a long time between episodes. I looked in the mirror and found a blister forming on my lip and thought, "Darn it! Too late to use the ear wax thingy!" But, I tried it anyway. It worked!!!
After that, if I had left one too late and it actually developed into a sore, I used the ear wax anyway~and it would heal over in a couple of days!
Just a little tidbit of info to anyone who dares to try it and can get past the ick factor....
I used to get them pretty badly in grade school and sometimes in my early twenties, but not since I found a "cure".
I had one on my usual place~right below my lip~ one day and an elderly lady noticed and asked me if I wanted to know something that would stop it before it started? Of course, being a nurse, I know that the only thing available for a cold sore is an anti-viral and, even then, they may or may not help.
She said.......are you ready? ........ when you first feel that tingle, or burning feeling, before the actual blisters appear, put some of your own ear wax on the spot!
Well, the next time I felt one coming on~being the pioneer that I am~I tried it!
It worked.
Thereafter, I used it to good effect each time. One day I didn't recognize the tingle, as it had been a long time between episodes. I looked in the mirror and found a blister forming on my lip and thought, "Darn it! Too late to use the ear wax thingy!" But, I tried it anyway. It worked!!!
After that, if I had left one too late and it actually developed into a sore, I used the ear wax anyway~and it would heal over in a couple of days!
Just a little tidbit of info to anyone who dares to try it and can get past the ick factor....