I agree Bee, I probably keep more on hand than most new ones need if they get good advice and healthy birds. I am an over prepared nut who knows she takes in the sorry cases too often ( see my goats and heifer posts on this and other sister sites). Thats really my best advice. Start off with healthy birds. The ones I get from knowledgeable people have never been on antibiotics ever, never been sick. I would say thats true of most of my birds. Once I learned that lesson, they became very simple to take care of.Beekissed said:And it gets WAY more simple than all that if you just go to the OT thread and read a little. You don't need medicines or DE if you are doing things correctly...you won't find many true OTs that have ever used DE or have even needed to do so.
Keep it simple and try not to get bogged down in advice from folks who are also new to it all...go to the source. Those folks who have kept healthy flocks for years upon years and can break it down for you in simple, logical steps. Easy.