Mountain Sage
have the nipples & the cups...what I need is to put them on the container, I also have.
These chicks were with mom who put up a huge fight but, lost to the fox.
She saved her chicks. You could see there was a fight. She would not come in that night & was nabbed.
Good genetics to pass along there....she was a keeper, so very sad you lost her.
My meatie birds are still using the vertical nipples for watering....I've made little watering containers to hang from various trees in their range. The ducks use them also. Also have a cup nipple bucket for all as well, that too is hanging from a tree. Can't use the open waterer this season because the ducks keep it too working on adapting that so they can no longer get in it.
Got a double stainless steel sink at the Restore yesterday to turn into a duck pool(s) that I can drain and rinse easily. Will put it up on a low frame so it just clears the ground but they can still climb into it and put it on skids so I can move it daily, but keep it near the garden hose reach.
Then I can put the open watering pan up on another stack of tire so the dog and chickens can still partake but the ducks cannot. It currently rests inside an old tire...this keeps it from being tipped and also helps keep the water more cool in the summer. Makes for easy watering that way.