Lovin' The Homestead
I have horrid allergies too, I live in the worst allergy place in America. 4/5 horses get midline dermatitis that is allergy related, 4/5 get SB itch that allergy related (my pup is itching like mad from the sage blooming) and us humans have it horrible.
I work in a pet store, coicidentally I'm the only one not allergic to timothy...but everything else yes. I take local bee pollen, you start with 1-2 and work your way up. You may experience a surge of allergies until you build up. I take raw local honey every morning. And claritin is my BFF
I work in a pet store, coicidentally I'm the only one not allergic to timothy...but everything else yes. I take local bee pollen, you start with 1-2 and work your way up. You may experience a surge of allergies until you build up. I take raw local honey every morning. And claritin is my BFF