Can't beat Irish Red ale!
I'd call this one a Success! I'm not a big fan of beer, but you are making me think about brewing some myself now!Day 21 - I put a 12 oz bottle in the freezer for a little over an hour. When I popped the top and poured, it had just a little bit of ice. It poured with a tall head in the pint mug.
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After about a minute it settled down to a normal looking rich creamy blonde head.
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Lacing of foam, you can almost count the number of swallows it took me to finish this mug. Back in my brew days like (30 years ago) lacing on the inside of the glass was how we determined the beer was fully carbonated. I would say this batch of homebrew Golden American Wheat, is fully carbonated now for sure.
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I really don't drink much at all really, a glass a day during dinner is good enough for me. I don't like crappy store bought big name beers. Brewing your own at home is a great way to produce good quality tasting beer for a lot cheaper than you would pay at the store for the same quality, taste and style. Plus most store bought beer the yeast is killed off and it is carbonated with co2 gas which makes it taste nasty to me and give me the burps. Naturally carbonated beer with the same yeast that it was fermented with, originally is so alive and much better tasting. Live beer has to be better for you than dead co2 gassed beer.
Anyways this last post of pictures for this batch of home brew. Its now complete and ready to enjoy. I really just wanted to take you through soup to nuts of what it takes to brew up a awesome batch of homebrew ale and I hope you all enjoyed this little thread.