And these people vote!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Boogity said:
I think Denim Deb hit the nail on the head. All I was pointing out was that some people are actually stupid enough to think that a quack farmer "doc" could possibly know that your pills are good or not by having you hold the pill bottle in your hand. Even if he WAS wearing a tin foil hat. :) Actually I like the horn rim glasses with the big nose and mustache better. This thread had nothing to do with meds, doctors, or insurance - just silly people who are gullible.

Sorry I brought it up. I just thought it was amusing.
I thought it was funny too! And he probably convinces these folks that it actually works because they give up all the pills and they start feeling better afterwards...which would make this man seem like a genius. Never heard of holding the pill bottle in the hands, though.....

A friend of mine went to one of these guys and everything that was wrong with her was related to her liver...and she could "detoxify" her liver by taking his herbal preparations. Then her daughter (10 yrs) had a rash, so she took her to the duck doctor and...lo, and behold! It was HER liver too. Same pills. Then her mother went to this fellow with dizziness and a ringing in her ears....yep, you guessed it. It was indeed her liver. Same pills given. Same big money paid.

Come to think of it, those gals never did get over the symptoms of "toxic" liver.... :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 18, 2010
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Beekissed said:
Come to think of it, those gals never did get over the symptoms of "toxic" liver.... :)
Oh no!


Power Conserver
Apr 25, 2012
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framing fowl said:
I used to go to a chiro who used TBM techniques (total body modification). Basically modern chiropractors want to work on your back or neck. The TBM philosophy encompasses the entire body. They use muscle testing (similar to acupuncture or acupressure to determine where energy pathways are not aligned. This chiropractor was able to work with my entire body rather than just my neck and spine.

Now I'm not saying that this Amish guy is legitimate, but if he is actually doing TBM correctly, it does really seem like hocus pocus unless you have experienced it. The arm thing is one of the most common ways they can do the muscle testing.
I agree with Framing Fowl. The homeopathic chiropractor my family goes to uses this method. It may seem like a quack but there is something to it. The proper method will not have you holding your arms up until they drop from exertion.

Try this have someone hold one arm out. Place the back side your first two fingers against their forehead and gently but firmly press down on their arm. Note their resistance. Now switch your fingers so that the palm side of the fingers touch the forehead and again check their resistance to you pressing on their arm. Some people will have less resistance with the fingers facing one way while others will go the other way. If you have known sensitivities or alergys to something try it with that. For example asspertain causes me to have severe head aches and mild breathing problems. MSG = severe headaches and worse breathing problems. Saccharine will lead to a bad head ache. You can line up those little packets of sweetener and one at a time place one against my forehead and the check the resistance I have. Every time (even with blind trials) I will have no resistance to asspertain - it's like there is no strength in my arm at all and someone just put a 50 pound weight on it. Same with MSG. With saccharine i have some resistance but not as much as i do with sugar or honey or sucralose. To the others there is no problem resisting the force. I will often use this to check a food for for asspertain or MSG if I am unsure and don't have access to the food label or since MSG is sometimes hidden in "other spices" on labels.

This method led to a diagnosis of a parasite infection my son had. For a couple of years he complained of stomach pain on and off. Convential doc had run all kinds of tests prescribed meds and finally chalked it up to something on the order of a kid trying to manipulate his parents. After we had started going to the chiropractor he had another flair up. Using the resistance test and pressing on different points around his body doc determined it was parasites. Gave him a herbal concoction to take and he hasn't had these pains since and that was about 10 years ago.

There are a lot of quacks out there but there are also a lot of things we just don't understand. Conventional medicine has its place but isn't always the only or even best method. Conventional medicine would have put tubs in my DDs ears and taken her tonsils out. Alternative medicine prevented that a gave us a healthy happy child. Conventional medicine also would have put braces on my sons legs or he would never have been able to run without swinging his legs to the side but the chiropractor fixed that too with just a few adjustments and no invasion or braces.

Just be careful and do research. Never go off meds without knowledgable advice. And don't throw out something right off the bat just cause it sounds like a whole bunch of hooey. After all remeber what was once said about flying, electricity and going to the moon. We all now know that bloodletting doesn't heal but yet I have a friend that regularly donates blood and plasma. Without doing that he would be a very sick man as he has too much iron in his blood and this is how he reduces it. So in this case blood letting does work.