

Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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Wifezilla said:
Pottenger proved that it only takes 3 generations with poor diet, to bring a cat to the place it can no longer reproduce.
Today, we are one the 3rd and 4th generations of humans living on an industrial diet. We now have an infertility rate that is reaching 1 in 3.
I think the rise in PCOS is a big sign of that.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Bubblingbrooks said:
MorelCabin said:
I'm interested! I get them too, as does my daughter. I think these days it is more hormonal than anything, but it drives me crazy!
Here is what i pmed the OP just now.
Number one rule. Eat breakfast, and eat plenty of it. And eat it within 30 minutes of getting up.
After that. No caffeine, and no soda of any kind. No refined sweeteners or substitutes, and no refined grains/flours/cereals.
The standard American diet, and the make due diets, along with dieting, are very hard on the body.

This is going to be a very hard change for you at the beginning, but if you are serious, and do not cheat, you will see good results right away. Do keep in mind though, that full recovery takes several years, but the panic attacks will go very quickly. Do not take that as a sign that you can slide smile

First of all, here are the supplements and vitamins that you must take.

raw adrenals from
start with one in the morning with breakfast, and add a second at lunch if one is not cutting it after a few weeks.

Acerola Powder for vitamin C. Full dose every day.

High quality B complex. Full dose every day.

Fermented cod liver oil, from
1-2 doses per day. You can place it in capsules if the flavor is too much. I'll tell you how if you need it done that way.
Price may seem high, but at one dose per day, the bottle will last 6 months.
DO NOT make due with cheaper vitamin or grocery store varieties!

Maca Root (just Google for the best price for you)
2 tsp per day.

Real sea salt. Place a pinch in every glass of water you drink, and slat all your food liberally with it.
In addition, in the morning, fill a small juice glass with warm water, and add as much sea salt as you can handle to it and take it first thing.

Foods to avoid during healing time.
Potassium rich foods, bananas in particular.

Adrenal fatigue requires lots of good salt, and as little potassium during healing time as possible, in order to attain full healing. If you do not follow that advice, everything else will not work very well.

Foods to feast on.
Raw milk if you have a source. If not, low temp pasteurized, non homogenized.
Meat of all kinds
All the veges you want (blend of cooked and raw)
Whole grains that have been sprouted or fermented, or at least soaked.

Now, I want to assure you that this may seem like a very expensive way to eat, but it really is not.
No junk/processed food, and as high as a 75% reduction in doctor and dental visits makes it actually very affordable :)

Meanwhile, while you wait for your supps to arrive, read through the online portion of this book.
And see if you library has a copy of Nourishing traditions that you can borrow.

Good blogs to read on traditional foods, are and
There are many more, but this is a good start.
Thank you for this, Bubblingbrooks, even though I didn't ask the question, I am very interested in trying the answer!
I have some questions though:
I have taken to skipping breakfast because I always overeat throughout the day on the days I eat breakfast. Will this regime stop my constant need to eat all day after I've had breakfast?
You indicate whole grains can be eaten if sprouted, fermented or soaked. Does that mean no more bread or rolls made from fresh ground wheat? If so, you don't mean permanently, do you?


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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SSDreamin said:
Thank you for this, Bubblingbrooks, even though I didn't ask the question, I am very interested in trying the answer!
I have some questions though:
I have taken to skipping breakfast because I always overeat throughout the day on the days I eat breakfast. Will this regime stop my constant need to eat all day after I've had breakfast?
You indicate whole grains can be eaten if sprouted, fermented or soaked. Does that mean no more bread or rolls made from fresh ground wheat? If so, you don't mean permanently, do you?
What are you eating for breakfast? Is it high in real fat and protein, with a moderate amount of carbs? If its things like cereal, you are eating more, because you are actually starving for real food.

Skipping breakfast damages the body. It causes a surge in cortisol to make up for the lack of food energy, and over time, your poor adrenals wear out from the constant abuse.

All grains should be prepared traditionally. Unless they are prepared as I mentioned, they are high in phytic acid, which is what prevents them from sprouting when dry. It is an anti nutrient, and the base cause of cavities and gut and autoimmune issues, such as Celiacs. compared to 100 plus years ago, when cavity rates were at 1 and 2 percent, we now see 80+%! And it is not caused by sugar. Sugar causes immune and diabetic issues.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2010
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I have a long history of mental illness in my family. Yet diet was really good. Mom and dad ate no sugars, no artificial foods, no fast food. all meals were cooked, we raised our own meat etc. I was raised this way.

So I think there is a genetic factor, IME. I do believe diet greatly exasperates it. Good diet, will help, bad diet will make it worse.

i also learned that anxiety is something I could ease my self. I learned calming mantras and talked myself down. Now I dont struggle with atttacks, but i have a lil generalized anxiety.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Genetics load the gun. Diet pulls the trigger.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I have always suffered from SADD or "winter blues" and a couple of years ago it escalated to where I'm taking Prozac, (which I would like to stop taking!). I also have diabetes, but so far it's been pretty well controlled by the Metformin my doctor prescribed (but I would like to stop taking that as well, plus the blood pressure and cholesterol meds). We've been slowly making a change to more whole foods, and I've finally found a source for raw goat milk so I can make cheese, and I want to try my hand at this lacto-fermentation that I've been reading about. I want to try sprouting our wheat before we grind it for flour and see how that goes too (My husband has been making naturally leavened bread for the last 6 months or so). We barter bread for fresh farm eggs weekly as well. The only thing I figure I still need to do is somehow come up with the money for good meats that have been raised properly, without hormones etc.
So far, my weight hasn't gone down a bit (I have over 120 lbs I need to lose), but I'm slowly getting a little more energy, which is helping me move around a little more. We will see how I do this winter, since even the Prozac doesn't stop me from losing some of my zest for life at that time.

If you have any ideas what else I can do (bearing in mind that we are near poverty level and just can't afford a lot of the fancy schmancy expensive vitamins and suchlike) please let me know.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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Britesea said:
I have always suffered from SADD or "winter blues" and a couple of years ago it escalated to where I'm taking Prozac, (which I would like to stop taking!). I also have diabetes, but so far it's been pretty well controlled by the Metformin my doctor prescribed (but I would like to stop taking that as well, plus the blood pressure and cholesterol meds). We've been slowly making a change to more whole foods, and I've finally found a source for raw goat milk so I can make cheese, and I want to try my hand at this lacto-fermentation that I've been reading about. I want to try sprouting our wheat before we grind it for flour and see how that goes too (My husband has been making naturally leavened bread for the last 6 months or so). We barter bread for fresh farm eggs weekly as well. The only thing I figure I still need to do is somehow come up with the money for good meats that have been raised properly, without hormones etc.
So far, my weight hasn't gone down a bit (I have over 120 lbs I need to lose), but I'm slowly getting a little more energy, which is helping me move around a little more. We will see how I do this winter, since even the Prozac doesn't stop me from losing some of my zest for life at that time.

If you have any ideas what else I can do (bearing in mind that we are near poverty level and just can't afford a lot of the fancy schmancy expensive vitamins and suchlike) please let me know.
Don;t stress about the fancy meat yet.
Try starting on the supplements that I mention in the list. And use to input your meals, to see what your balance or protein, fat and carbs are.
Your weight will come off when your body is ready and healed. And it takes time.
Mine is finally starting to creep off all on its own :)
Oh, and for the diabetes, def. start taking the FCLO and eating lots of real butter.
If you are not on insulin, then you stand a good chance of never needing it if you do the above.

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
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SE Missouri
Walnuthollow, you mentioned trying to stop taking Paxil, but feeling dizzy and sick. Several antidepressants seem to cause severe side effects when you stop taking them. Cymbalta is a real problem, as is Lexapro. I speak from personal experience. You can look Paxil up on the net; just type in "stopping Paxil side effects" to see if it causes some of the same symptoms: Brain zaps, when it feels like something explodes in your head. Dizzy vertigo feeling when you turn your head. Forgetfulness, anxiety, the list is very long. It can happen whether you suddenly stop the meds, or even if you taper off slowly. You have to taper off v-e-r-y slowly, and even then you may have some side effects. But know that they will pass, and you are not alone in those awful sensations. Check out Good luck to you.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I can attest to the fact that a better diet works WONDERS. I had this problem a year or so ago, and consulted this very forum, and wound up figuring out that I have a food allergy in the process of eliminating the possibilities. I have not had a panic attack/anxiety in....I dunno...seems like a lifetime..time flies when you're feeling good again ;) This forum and advice here may have saved my life. However....I would not stop those meds without close medical supervision. I was never on meds, but my doctor was trying to put me on them. I fought it, and am SO glad that I did! I hope you have a good outcome, and learn as much as I have, and get well so you won't need the meds. Freedom is a beautiful thing. :)


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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Wannabefree said:
I can attest to the fact that a better diet works WONDERS. I had this problem a year or so ago, and consulted this very forum, and wound up figuring out that I have a food allergy in the process of eliminating the possibilities. I have not had a panic attack/anxiety in....I dunno...seems like a lifetime..time flies when you're feeling good again ;) This forum and advice here may have saved my life. However....I would not stop those meds without close medical supervision. I was never on meds, but my doctor was trying to put me on them. I fought it, and am SO glad that I did! I hope you have a good outcome, and learn as much as I have, and get well so you won't need the meds. Freedom is a beautiful thing. :)