Any composters on board??


Sustainable Newbie
Feb 22, 2009
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I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who gets jazzed about compost.

My chickens are the greatest when it comes to lazy man's compost. I throw everything into their house- grass clippings, bagged leaves from the curb, the hay the sheep try to waste, shredded paper from our library, wood shavings from a saw mill and anything else "brown" I can get my hands on. All that dry carbon-based material keeps their house smelling cleaner as they add that special touch of nitrogen that builds a fabulous ammendment for my garden.
In spring, I don't plant potatoes but simply lay the seed potatoes on top of the ground and cover them with 6-8 inches of the stuff from the chicken house. As it composts, it warms the soil to hasten on the potatoes and the tubers develop at the soil surface. I don't have to dig, but simply lift the plants from the compost. I plant brassicas in that spot after the potatoes and they too benefit from the aged compost.

For poetic justice, I feed the chickens some of the kale and cabbages and boil for them the potatoes that are to small or ugly for storage.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 13, 2009
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I have 2 drum/barrell black plastic compost bins for the ash from the combustion wood fire we have and the dog poo.

Another one my DH built with wood sides for the scraps the chooks and the dog and the worm farm won't eat.

We have 5 massive eaters here so lots of peelings and the worms can't keep up so get about a 10 litre bucket full of compost per 2 weeks.

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