Any fellow sauerkrauters here?


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 27, 2017
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Near Sulphur Springs, Texas
It works really well with viruses. Studies have shown that a compound in Elderberries prevents virus from replicating (reproducing). It also prevents it from breaking down cell walls, so it can't get in your cells & make you sick.
Last week, DH and I started to get another head cold. We immediately started taking our Elderberry syrup (1 oz) 4 times a day, and within two days, we were feeling fine, albeit with a slight drainage of clear mucous from the sinuses. Then, for 4 days, we took an oz twice a day. We will now take one oz daily until the end of flu season.

We've discovered a delicious way to drink it, is to add about 4 oz of Perrier (unsweetened carbonated water) to it and sip. YUM!!!

A friend ended up with a very bad case of the flu, and when he went to the doctor, who wanted to admit him to the hospital. He was told, by the doctor, that since we haven't had a major flu outbreak in many years, they are looking for a world wide epidemic.

So, my question is . . . since we are having a major push to get the flu shot (from the doctor's office to pharmacies to the grocery store), and so many people are getting flu shots (DH and I NOT included), why are they expecting a world wide epidemic???? I have seen TV commercials that say, even if you get the flu shot, you could get the flu, "but just not as bad as if you didn't get the flu shot". I have heard of people who got the flu shot ending up in the hospital, because they got so sick from the flu. HUH????? No thank you! I'm not getting the flu shot!

I have a theory: I heard recently (on the news), that the current flu shot is not even the active current flu virus strain, and is only considered 10% effective. The reason the current flu shot is not the current flu strain is because the flu virus is capable of quickly mutating. So, even if the flu shot was the right strain when it was developed last year, the virus can mutate to the point that the vaccine is not effective, against the mutated virus, by the time you get the shot.

Think about it. We now have antibiotic resistant "super" bacteria, because bacteria can mutate, to protect themselves from the antibiotics, and way too many antibiotics have been given (not only to humans, but to the animals, whose meat we eat).

I'm not an expert in viral medicine, but I can't help but wonder, if bacteria can mutate and create "super bugs", why can't viruses create vaccine resistant "super viruses"???

Something else to consider, when getting a flu shot at a pharmacy or grocery store. Last year, a friend got his flu shot at a pharmacy. They gave him the wrong shot, and he had an anaphylactic reaction, that almost killed him. He ended up in the hospital for a week!
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Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
We have a terrible flu epidemic here in Ireland right now. The local newspaper headline this week is a message from the hospital: "Don't come in unless it's an emergency" They are completely flooded.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Near Sulphur Springs, Texas
We have a terrible flu epidemic here in Ireland right now. The local newspaper headline this week is a message from the hospital: "Don't come in unless it's an emergency" They are completely flooded.
The hospitals are saying the same thing here. They are also saying don't bring any children, under the age of 12, to visit patients, in the hospital. Whole schools are closing, due to such high numbersof students, teachers & support staff out sick, and also to disinfect every surface in the schools.

I can't help but wonder how many, of those in hospital or out of work and school, due to illness, got their flu shot. :hu
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Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Last week, DH and I started to get another head cold. We immediately started taking our Elderberry syrup (1 oz) 4 times a day, and within two days, we were feeling fine, albeit with a slight drainage of clear mucous from the sinuses. Then, for 4 days, we took an oz twice a day. We will now take one oz daily until the end of flu season.

We've discovered a delicious way to drink it, is to add about 3oz of Perriet (unsweetened carbonated water) to it and sip. YUM!!!

A friend ended up with a very bad case of the flu, and when he went to the doctor, who wanted to admit him to the hospital. He was told, by the doctor, that since we haven't had a major flu outbreak in many years, they are looking for a world wide epidemic.

So, my question is . . . since we are having a major push to get the flu shot (from the doctor's office to pharmacies to the grocery store), and so many people are getting flu shots (DH and I NOT included), why are they expecting a world wide epidemic???? I have seen TV commercials that say, even if you get the flu shot, you could get the flu, "but just not as bad as if you didn't get the flu shot". I have heard of people who got the flu shot ending up in the hospital, because they got so sick from the flu. HUH????? No thank you! I'm not getting the flu shot!

I have a theory: I heard recently (on the news), that the current flu shot is not even the active current flu virus strain, and is only considered 10% effective. The reason the current flu shot is not the current flu strain is because the flu virus is capable of quickly mutating. So, even if the flu shot was the right strain when it was developed last year, the virus can mutate to the point that the vaccine is not effective, against the mutated virus, by the time you get the shot.

Think about it. We now have antibiotic resistant "super" bacteria, because bacteria can mutate, to protect themselves from the antibiotics, and way too many antibiotics have been given (not only to humans, but to the animals, whose meat we eat).

I'm not an expert in viral medicine, but I can't help but wonder, if bacteria can mutate and create "super bugs", why can't viruses create vaccine resistant "super viruses"???

Something else to consider, when getting a flu shot at a pharmacy or grocery store. Last year, a friend got his flu shot at a pharmacy. They gave him the wrong shot, and he had an anaphylactic reaction, that almost killed him. He ended up in the hospital for a week!

My wife and I have never gotten flu shots and don't plan on it anytime in the future. The way I look at it... Our days are numbered and no knows when their number is up. If I die from the flu or getting run over from a beer truck, it doesn't really matter - my number is up.

Another day of life is another day closer to death. There are two things in life that are 100% - death and taxes.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 27, 2017
Reaction score
Near Sulphur Springs, Texas
My wife and I have never gotten flu shots and don't plan on it anytime in the future.
Some companies are requiring employees to get the flu shot! If they refuse, they are fired on the spot.

I don't know their policy now, but when I worked at the Mayo Clinic, as an RN, that was the requirement. I didn't know any better back then, so I got the shot. I gave a lot of flu shots too.

Now I know better & will never get another vaccine, of any kind.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Some companies are requiring employees to get the flu shot! If they refuse, they are fired on the spot.

I don't know their policy now, but when I worked at the Mayo Clinic, as an RN, that was the requirement. I didn't know any better back then, so I got the shot. I gave a lot of flu shots too.

Now I know better & will never get another vaccine, of any kind.

I wouldn't work for a company like that. I would basicly tell them to take their job and shove it! The economy is booming lots of work out there now. Excuse me!!! My body not yours!

It almost sounds like a good case for a lawsuit (you will be injected or you will be fired) but I've never filed any law suits before. I guess it depends on the employment agreement you signed when you began working for them. IDK... I'm not a lawyer and I didn't stay at a holiday in express last night either - so who am I to say?


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score
I wouldn't work for a company like that. I would basicly tell them to take their job and shove it! Excuse me!!! My body not yours!
Same here. Especially if the shot is so ineffective, it's not really worth getting.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I have never had a flu shot and I never will. Ever. If it is last year's strain, then what good is it? And vaccinations are loaded with mercury. No thank you.