big brown horse
Hoof In Mouth
ohiofarmgirl said:we trying for cheaper also. and i like that i know whats in it. my birds free range a lot - especially in summer - so the whole grains to me is less processed stuff and more "hey you lazy bums get out there" and be natural chickens.
and nope havent seen any change in the poop. Harvey Ussery says you dont need to crack the corn for them but as Free says, make sure you transition to whole grains over the course of at least 3 weeks.
and last winter we only fed layer mix and we were completely overloaded with eggs. no pigs and just the two of us - it was nuts. people were running and hiding from us because they didnt want eggs anymore either.
this year we have more younger hens due to ..ahem.. attrition... and i didnt want to fire up the egg laying until we were into spring. i'm not sure if we are getting fewer eggs b/c of the age of our hens, the transition to whole grains, or because we arent giving them any extra light at all (last year we did).