Anyone hand wash their clothes?


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 24, 2011
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SE Ohio
savingdogs said:
I think there are regional differences in this.

Where I live,every outfit I wear outside, three seasons a year, is pretty much soaked when I return indoors. Even on dry days, everything is wet and damp. While I have methods of drying out coats and outerware, everything else must be washed daily. And clothes don't dry well on the line here. Half the time, getting them all up on the line is akin to doing a rain dance.

But when I lived in California I remember enjoying using my clothes line and being able to re-use clothing because it frankly wasn't that dirty. Nothing was muddy.

Here, different story. It might be harder to be self sufficient in all ways, and sometimes we might be picking our conveniences that we cannot do without based on our climate as well as our lifestyle.

Amen sister! :D To each their own! But sharing is so much fun!


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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If we were all the same all the time, this site would be boring. :D

I remember going to a estate auction once and striking up a conversation with this older farmer-type guy as the small household appliances were being sold off. With each item sale, he would chuckle and laugh at the "rich city women" bidding and bidding over the household junk (one woman got a kitchen aid mixer set for like $75). I asked him what he had bought and he proudly said he spent $100 on six boxes of "good stuff" from the garage - boxes of rusted bolts, nails, etc. :p

Different strokes for different folks.

I know many folks here are retired, out of work, or trying to make a new start in their circumstances. Time is something they are blessed with.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Wannabefree said:
moolie said:
Lol about your DD--maybe get her to wash the first few loads in the bathtub with her feet as described above, then she'll LOVE using your new "washing machine" next time around ;)

It's funny, my kids love washing their own dishes and doing general clean-up at Girl Guide camp and when we camp as a family, but try to get them to simply clear the plates off the table, let alone do the dishes at home :rolleyes:
Maybe I should have specified...DD FOURTEEN :lol: She does nothing that she isn't made to do, and this is her favorite look :rolleyes: <---that's my girl :lol:
You just need to try a little reverse psychology on her. :D I think you've described days where she would LOVE to jump up and down on your clothes in a tub. :p

moolie - the :rolleyes: at home is more frustrating when you're visiting somewhere or have guests at your place and they do it all without being asked. :barnie


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Heck no I am not ever going to try to wash by hand :p :p

not interested...but if the OP is wanting to try---go for it! I think real fast it will get old. It is harder than one would think actually and it is alot more time consuming than one would think.

plus the spin cycle sure gets clothes wrung out, where as hand wringing just doesn't get all that moisture out, so when you hang to dry, it will take longer.

if you have small loads, truly small, sure one can exist without a washer/dryer....but this gal, no way...haha

and time is a resource and time is a BIG concern for me. I am surprised that some people think time is not a concern for many. During growing season etc...time is very valuable to get it all done, during kidding season when 120 does kidded out within a month of each other, when I had to can/preserve all my harvest that came ripe at the same time, sure my time was my biggest concern LOL

when a person does try to do alot of things the 'old fashioned' way and live more old fashioned, I think time is very important. Convenience is just that, usually a time saver so you can move on to other interests. I would rather throw the load in a washer, then take the time to hand wash. While that washer is running, I am off doing more productive things with my time. (but those productive things are more important to me than hand washing laundry ;) )

So OP should try it for say 6 months and report back how 6 mos. of hand washing and drying was as an experiment....I think after that time maybe she will be OK with it, or decide that the washer hookup is more important....trying is the only way to give it a fair shot to see how it fits into your life.

I have so many loads I wouldn't last a week..LOL


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
I used to have an old wringer washer when we had our cottage up north. When we stayed there for the summer, we ran th generator once a week to charge batteries, run th e washer, vacuum etc. While hand washing might not be a big deal, the wringing I can see being a concern. Might be worth the investment to get a wringer. As far as line drying--I live for it. I get excited when the weather is nice enough to hang stuff up. I agree it might be good for some, but maybe not for others, but if someone wants to do it, I say go for it!! But I think the key here is to be supportive of ones endeavours, even if it is not something you see yourself doing.

Being home all day, even with all the responsibilities I have here, I probably could find the time if I managed my time properly to wash by hand. And I will keep the idea in my mind if ever I find myself not having a working washing machine. I really like the plunger idea, I think that would be great.

With all tha Kala has done in the recent past, I think it is right up her alley, and think it is a great idea for her. I def. think you should go for it and give it a try. Mybe your priorities will change, maybe you will have found a new passion. I know, when my mom was growing up, she enjoyed laundry day. And she came froma family of 13 kids. Could you imagine!!! Farmers at that.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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I love the plunger idea! Of course like I mentioned earlier, I also have a new laundry pair(new to me anyway!). I went about a year without a dryer. I had to hang the clothes on a line in the bedroom and bathroom. :rolleyes: My washer was used when my parents got it when I was a kid. I found the set on CL really cheap and it feels like laundry is almost too easy now! :lol: The washer has a HUGE tub and option for a second rinse. The dryer does great also. I still plan on hanging my clothes now that it is warm and I can hang outside. The clothes dry faster hanging on a hot day with a breeze than they do in the dryer and I think they smell so good when they dry in the fresh air.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I remember using an old wringer washer as a kid at my grandmas house. I also remember pinching the mess out of my fingers in that thing :lol: It still sounds fun. I like simplicity, and knowing how things work. I just like different experiences I suppose. I don't stick to all of them either. I just like to do things different ways and saving money is a good benefit as well.

My niece LOVES all "my" new ideas :lol: She's 7...she'll grow out of it. :/


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
Wannabefree said:
I remember using an old wringer washer as a kid at my grandmas house. I also remember pinching the mess out of my fingers in that thing :lol: It still sounds fun. I like simplicity, and knowing how things work. I just like different experiences I suppose. I don't stick to all of them either. I just like to do things different ways and saving money is a good benefit as well.

My niece LOVES all "my" new ideas :lol: She's 7...she'll grow out of it. :/
Then again, she might not. :p My kids love all the SS things that i find out about and do. and they are 14 and 13. My son especially thanks me almost every day for all the stuff i do around here to make our lives simpler and better. He especially loves all the foodie stuff ido, like bake my own bread, raising our own meat animals. he is my #1 fan. And they both know that if things fot realy tough around here moneywise, economy wise etc, that we would be better off than most of the people they know.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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FarmerJamie said:
moolie - the :rolleyes: at home is more frustrating when you're visiting somewhere or have guests at your place and they do it all without being asked. :barnie
I actually can't complain too much, for all that they don't do anything around the house without being asked they are pretty cheerful while they do what they've been asked to do. (So far, fingers crossed, knock on wood) we don't have any teenage angst or any real attitude. We're pretty blessed :)

But they do have the usual sibling arguments, total lack of common sense or ability to find/remember every day things, and lack of desire to complete any and all homework that every other kid their age seems to have.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Country Momma said:
I also just ordered a hand washer (looked like a toilet plunger) from Emergency Essentials catalog. Havent tried it, going to wait until it stops all this crazy raining, and then wash some clothes outside by by line.
Is this the one that you ordered?

OK, for some reason, I'm not able to post the link. All I can post is for that and a "washing machine". If it's one of these, LMK how you like it.

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