Anyone know anything about Juice Plus????


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
The fruits that are used in these juice blends are known anti-inflammatories, which regular veggies and fruits may not be. One that is~ cherries...cherry juice is very pricy also but has great effects on arthritis.

No doubt juicing raw fruits and veggies is definitely a health benefit, but will probably not relieve joint pain. My folks have juiced for many years.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
taoist said:
This seems very similar to the Noni Juice stuff that is/was popular. I've had a couple of patients that used that stuff and said they had great results. But, when it became too expensive for them to continue using it, they crashed big time and then came to see me for treatment. I'm not sure what all is in these supplements that makes everyone feel so great...I'm hoping they are just simple food derivatives and not hopped up with some energy herbs or caffeine, etc.

For the money, you could get the same results and better benefits by buying a juicer and a lot of veggies and making your own juice/smoothie. I recommend a regular blender over a juicer so you can get the benefit of fiber that juicers extract but either would most likely be better than taking supplements like these.

I know that time and hassle and sometimes expense is the reason most people use these rather than the juicer/blender but, as in nature, there is always a tradeoff/price that has to be paid.
If you go the blender route be sure it is a GOOD blender. We had one of those "normal" home blenders that has the blade that comes out of the bottom with the screw on ring, and it could not handle smoothies. Spent the money and invested in a Blendtec and LOVE it. Belndtecs are often what you see at Panera and Baskin Robbins with the square jars. The blade does not come out, so there are not parts to take apart and wash. To clean it, we fill it a little over half full with HOT water and a few drops of dish soap and put it back on the base and pulse it for about 30 seconds, and then wipe it out with a rag. Not only can it blend smoothies without trouble (we frequently use kale and whole pineapples including the cores), but it will chew through just about anything. I went to make protein bars and it called for baking slivered almonds and then grinding them in a blender. I accidentally made almost powder in about 5 seconds flat. I make really awesome smooth and creamy humus with ease, and we cream cauliflower for Sheppards pie. The beauty of the blender route is that it does more than just smoothies, a juicer will only juice.

If you do your research you can figure out which foods are beneficial to do for antinflammatory uses. We will frequently add cherry juice concentrate to ours. I can also add whey (home made) or other health powders. You could also add liquid fish or cod oil. I will also add clay, too, if I feel like it. There really isn't an end to the concoctions you can mix up if you want to.


Got the t-shirt
May 14, 2009
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Scott County, IL
Went to reumatologist and he said it is fibromalgia and some form of arthritis. More blood work and xrays today. Doesnt really want to add to my meds right now.
I am starting Juice Plus today. We shall see what happens.