Anyone playing an April Fools Day prank or got had?


Almost Self-Reliant
May 24, 2010
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NW Florida
a friend of mine and her DH are building their own log cabin. They have worked so hard on it and are really making progress now - being at the point of staining the walls and putting in subflooring. DH works out of town, and this morning my friend posted on his FB wall " think you need to order some more stain. I was up on the top of the scaffolding (I know you told me not to go up there but the logs were calling me), and I tripped and knocked the bucket off the top. I managed to grab the cross bars and only banged myself up a little. I did get some of the stain on your window bucks that were bel...ow me. Do you have any idea how we can get that off?"

His reply "try to wipe off all you can" .... lol not "honey are you ok!?!" hehehe


Enjoys Recycling
Sep 26, 2010
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Last year I got a goose egg from a friend and put it in the chickens nest box for my dad to find when he gathered eggs during the day. He wondered for months who and how that giant egg came to be.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
DS's school had theday off today but DH and I didn't so he slept over my parents' house last night. It was easier than trying to drop him off on my way to work this morning. When I called him to wish him a good morning I told him his principal had just called me. I paused and he nervously asked why. I said she had changed her mind about today being a day off because of all the snow days we had earlier in the winter so he had to get Papa to drive him to our house to get his uniform and collect his homework (which I knew he hadn't done since he thought he had a three day weekend). He got a little weepy so I had to 'fess up to the joke right away. When I picked him up I told him we had to get right home because the neighbors had called to let me know the goats were all out. We got home and he honestly thought they'd hopped right back in their pen.

SIL got my DH (her older brother) one year when they were in HS. She told him the US Gov't had done a study and found that the majority of Americans were seriously lacking in Niacin in their diets so they were adding niacin to the back of postage stamps. Lick a stamp, get a supplement. He bought it, hook, line and sinker, but it didn't really become funny until 20 years or so later. He was buying stamps for his Christmas cards and joked with the clerk that he'd really be getting his daily dose of niacin. When he saw her absolutely blank look it hit that all those years ago his sister had lied to him. It still makes me laugh to tell that story!!

Two years ago I made sushi for DS's first grade class for his birthday which is April 3rd. He told them I was making sushi. They were completely freaked out. Parents called me because they thought I'd be serving their kids raw fish. I went ahead with the plan. Rice Krispie treats formed around a Twizzler, wrapped in green fruit roll-ups and sliced up like sushi. If there had been an award for best birthday treat of the year, I'd have gotten it.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Oh, I especially like the goose egg and the niacin story! :lol:

If only I could find a goose egg somewhere! The ducks did not lay any eggs today.

Nature "april fooled" me today, when I opened the coop...there were two drowned mice in the duck water bowl! I'm not afraid of mice but when I saw them in the bucket, I already had it in my hands and their little bittie eyes made me SCREAM and throw the bucket and get myself all wet. :hide


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
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Ewww SD!
Should I post my goat story SD?


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
Not an april fools joke, but hubby's best freind likes to prank myhubby.(well, he likes to prank whoever) One time, they were driving in ohio, on the interstate. Hubby had fallen asleep in the passenger seat. His buddy, being the wiseguy that he is, honks the horn, slams on the brakes and swerves. (the bud is driving). The other buddy who was in the back seat, shines a flashlight right into hubbys eyes while all this other crap is going on. Hubby is scared cr*pless, thinking they just got into an accident.

Same bud pranks his wife,--the wife is going on a trip with her coworker, and they have to share a room. Bud puts a whole bunch of "toys" (if ya know what I mean) in his wifes suitcase.

There's more, but I don't have time rightnow.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
These are great!

Ok, so no good recent ones, but the best one I ever did was on my boss a couple years ago.

A coworker and I programmed boss's computer to whisper stuff to him all day, at random times.

"Call Wanda" (wife's name)
"Hey... what's that?"
"Share that banana?" because he always has a banana at morning break.

The first one made him sit up straight in his chair and say "What???"
Then he called me and asked if I heard that. "Heard what boss?"
"Ummm, never mind"
He was convinced he was going nuts by the end of the day and it NEVER happened again. I don't think he ever figured it out. :D

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Not an April Fools Day, but a prank I did in high school.

My older brother worked in a factory where they produced records. There was a machine that punched out the holes in the label that went on the records. He'd bring home bagfuls of the stuff and we'd take it to the football games to use as confetti. Sometimes, there would be a whole bunch of them all stuck together. If they were all white or yellow, they were about the same size around as chalk. So, I took a bunch w/me to school.

I had chemistry right after lunch. The chemistry teacher had his lunch break at the same time as we did. I got to the classroom b4 he did, and proceeded to remove all the chalk and replace it w/the confetti sticks. Then I sat back and waited.

Class starts, and he starts his lesson. He picks up a piece of "chalk", and goes to write on the board. Nothing happened. He gets this really puzzled look on his face and takes a good look at his piece of chalk. That's when he realized it wasn't real!

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