A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Have you ever considered just skipping meat? Or cutting it way back?
That is the kicker. The butcher we are going to is actually cheaper than the grocery store. They have more customers than they can handle at times but I drive 45 minutes every months or so to stock up. I even buy the really nice cuts of meat when they put them in the discount freezer ( which is still fresher than the grocery I think). But yea I think feed and how they are kept and how they are butchered and how long the meats sits at the store and everything they treat the meat with. How can that not play a factor? I will be glad when we get the steer in the spring and can just start raising all our own meat. Honestly I eat the meat from the butcher all the time and I feel great. Heck I have been eating a bit more and lost like 5 pounds too. Go figure. But just a little store bought and my mom just keeps doing it. Granted she thinks its all in my head and if she just makes me think she is using the butcher kind then i won't get sick. Apparently being in pain and living in the bathroom is not proof that the theory was wrong either. But you know what she is 75 and she is not going to change and I told her I won't eat anything she cooks anymore. It might hurt her feelings but seriously.Bettacreek said:I wonder if it has more to do with what the commercial beasts were fed. Either way, I haven't bought beef in about a year. I can't afford butcher prices and store meat is varying shades of pink or brown. I like fresh bloody meat, not old half rotten crap. To be honest, I couldn't afford store beef either, even if I did for some reason want to eat that funk. Our lamb tastes better, is much, much fresher and it's cheaper to boot! Next year it should be even cheaper since I won't have to pay butcher fees. It's no wonder anyone would want to have local food, especially meat!