Lovin' The Homestead
NUTS! I'd take as many as you'd let me have, Ms. Bee! Thanks for the help and advice
It should waterbath-can quite safely, for the same reason that you can safely can water-pack apples... it is the *acidity* of the fruit that prevents botulism organisms from growing, moreso than the sugar. (Obviously sugar is *also* a good preservative, but in this case the acidity is sufficient alone). And of course the waterbath processing kills all other potential pathogens in there. So it will store fine once processed (at least for a reasonable time frame, like a year or so -- I do not know if it would deteriorate faster in long storage than a sugared product, but it might well do so)Bethanial said:Would the Apple Butter keep okay (water bath canning) without adding any additional sweetener? Thoughts? Help?