Are we living our dream?

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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The past couple of days have been hard on me because of a new pain in my right shoulder. I have done just about everything available to me, medically, with heat and I lastly took some pot gummies that I now regret telling DS about because apparently I have disappointed him and I didn’t even notice an improvement. Been using a Lidoderm patch on the shoulder too. I swear you would think I had thrown a punch or something but I don’t know what I did. I probably need another 6 weeks of boron/borax capsules. I have some that is already prepared somewhere here that DH found in the wreckage of my living room.
Also I located the Hoxsey cancer formula and I started putting the ingredients in my Amazon cart except for what I believe I already have and poke root because I can just dig that up. I am afraid I have a senior dog with tumors in her breast. Sorry and all but I can well see a vet telling me her surgery will cost $2000 and then she die anyway and near as I can tell she isn’t suffering. She is running around playing with a rabbit skin and seems happy to see me. But I thought I could give her the formula to kill the tumors and change her diet to starve them as well. DD is currently caring for her. I have long wanted to put the recipe together but I am tempted to grow some of the ingredients because it’s very expensive and some ingredients are difficult to locate. One in particular. But really all 9 ingredients are anti tumor herbs. It’s not just money that bothers me here. I mean if I have to put her down I will but I will stay with her until the end and then bury her but really she looks happy. Cross that bridge later.
So I now have 2 separate job offers in nursing. I will start working at the nearest facility on a 4 and 2 night shift. I will turn in my hiring papers today and train Monday night.. maybe Tuesday as well. They seem very lay back.
Well maybe today I can actually plant my rootstock for the orchard and some Japanese Plums in a seed starter. I don’t know where I will put the strawberry plants but I probably should hurry.
DH has been going crazy with the speeders down the street and he jumped in his truck and followed one of the big trucks to the boat launch in the back and wanted to speak to the manager. Apparently some of the neighbors saw him chasing the truck and two of them called the company complaining about the fast driving and said we all tired of it. DH didn’t even tell me what he was doing and he left with both sets of keys so I couldn’t even chase after him. He came back home and made a speeding sign in vinyl and zip tied it to the goats horns and then parked him in the front yard, eating grass. Only him. The neighbor asked us to move him when he finished cleaning up enough and started ramming the fire hydrant.
So the ADON at the facility I will be training at was once my aide…many moons ago. This should be fun. Anyway it will be great to actually see money added into my account instead of just taken out.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
Looks like some nasty storms went through your area. Are you safe? Do you have power?
Well most of my life I have been fine with storms but I guess Ida affected me because during the storm I was just praying and DD and DH were asking me if I was okay. I just told them it was good to pray.
Just last night DD question me about how to make a storm shelter. I told her I guess we’d have to frame something up and then bury it. PTSD is not nice.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Well most of my life I have been fine with storms but I guess Ida affected me because during the storm I was just praying and DD and DH were asking me if I was okay. I just told them it was good to pray.
Just last night DD question me about how to make a storm shelter. I told her I guess we’d have to frame something up and then bury it. PTSD is not nice.
Very relatable. I have not been the same since a tornado passed a couple miles from my house. Can't imagine what it's like for those who experienced a direct hit!

Storm shelter sounds good! I will always live in a house with a basement - just for storm shelter if nothing else.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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DH successfully bred two does yesterday. He claimed he told them if they didn’t play nice with this buck that he was planning on barbecuing tomorrow (today) and he would get them to help him then and it worked. He got his eyes examined and he told me his glasses will cost over $600. We went to the day old bread store and got two big bags of bread for the animals and then he wanted to go to Sam’s, which I stayed in the truck. I have always hated shopping. He ended up calling me to talk to the phone dude. So I went inside and we trading in his newly issued phone for an iPhone 13 which hopefully works better than whatever makes him growl so much. Great!! One less thing. There is a vehicle that comes around booming so much and it drives DH crazy. I am seriously gonna have to steer us to the orchard and set up a living situation in the campers and other buildings because he just needs peace.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
...I am seriously gonna have to steer us to the orchard and set up a living situation in the campers and other buildings because he just needs peace.

we live on a corner a few miles down the road from a bar. all summer long we have bikers thundering by. it's not the place i would have bought myself but it is home. i've learned mostly to tune things out.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
He got his eyes examined and he told me his glasses will cost over $600.
Have him get a paper copy of his rx and go online to zennioptical. I get my glasses for under $20/pair. Bifocals and nicer frames could make it closer to $100, but still MUCH better than the optometrist

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
I started a job as a nurse 2 nights ago but my back was really stiff. I wore a scrub dress I had only just finished. I was able to do a lot of the computer work. I accidentally left my cheat sheet at the desk. Hopefully someone puts it with my big envelope that’s now waiting for me with my badge and employee number. I could have went in last night but I am so stiff. I thought it was cuz we moved the corn cracker from under my house to DH’s house but I now think I may have pleurisy because coughing or deep breathing hurts.
Well I just add mucus relief to my medicine to thin stuff out. Maybe some okra also. DH recently bought some pickled okra so a few here and there…
Well apparently we will have some hurricane force winds today so I can expect some PTSD.
I have postponed planting my rootstock for the orange grove. Maybe I can do that today. I swear every time I think of it the truck with the potting soil is gone.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
I pushed the ADON for another shift of training on a different shift and I went in with a by the book nurse. I realize that if we are under state inspection this is the way to go and yes I know how to do it correctly but my body can’t handle that anymore. I came home in a really bad way and once again I was using the wheelchair by evening. I will start myself on Boron again and see if I can chase the arthritis away. Today I am a little better.
Trouble is just ridiculous with her alpha female self. She has to bully every dog she comes in contact with and I am about sick of it. My poor Snoopy needed to relieve himself last night and DH put him out while Trouble was hiding under our bed. When he let her in I wanted him to eat something and Trouble comes out and had her aggressive look and I pointed at her and had a few choice words and DH as well but Snoopy lost his appetite and went in DD’s room, where he was closed in for his own safety. Trouble is currently tied outside watching DH work and Snoopy is inside with me. I really don’t care for this arrangement. I hadn’t really been able to live with my dog since the storm and it’s obvious we each have our favorite. Problem is DH’s favorite is dangerous. I will never accept another from that breed.
So I have to put another navy blue scrub dress together because it’s already cut out but the facility I am working at has nurses in grey. Fortunately housekeeping is in navy blue which is the department my 18 year old DD wants to work in. I can make her some tiny scrubs with whatever I have left and buy myself some grey fabric. I am still convinced the smartest thing is dresses instead of a suit because only half the fabric. But a few extra inches so no one can see the top of my socks. Amen.
Some new shoes might be in order or at least some inserts. Anything to help me with this pain.
Okay I can’t tackle everything today but at least my rootstock seeds and loquat seeds in a seed starter. Satsuma trees are on sale for over $30 at Walmart so obviously I need to put this as a priority. I think I can make as much or more money selling trees as I do selling fruit.
My cousin who repairs IPhones sent me a link for a solar system for a small house or camper for $2,500 including a 3,500 watt inverter and 6 panels…I don’t know what size. What I am most interested in is seeing the thing unpacked and even helping him with the set up and determining the outcome because when we move to the woods that’s kinda the route we have to go. But he talked to me in person with DH there about his purchase because he is aware how my brain operates. I hope it’s a winner. Down here AC is pretty much a necessity. Don’t get me wrong…I still want to figure a way to make an underground dwelling (but actually have it above ground level) for the coolness and for protection from storms but we actually already have campers.
My WIFI isn’t working and I think it’s the provider so I will probably get an extra line and have my geeky cousin replace the other line. I wasn’t paying for internet. I was actually using a government issued phone’s SIM card with a wireless router 🤷‍♀️ I am seriously trying to not pay for anything lately.