Are we living our dream?

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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I just created a post on the animal section of the website. We recently lost a rescued dog and at the same time we noticed an injury on Trouble’s hind leg. They were all let out to potty together and we didn’t get them all back. Missy was found dead on the highway and Trouble has little holes in her hind leg and she is limping. Keeping Luna on a run when she is out, which she doesn’t appreciate.
Kinda suspect the neighbors because it’s cold for snakes. The sooner we go back home the better. We can make them a small pen to poop in.


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Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
Well Trouble is starting to get around better and is putting weight on her left leg now but still limping. She got up and scratched for a long time but she didn’t want to go in the backyard…only the front. The back yard would require going down a few steps and the front has a long ramp instead 🤷‍♀️. I didn’t cook my turkey yesterday because I was invited as guests to other places so I think I’m gonna cut the meat off the bones and make soup with the skeleton. It’s perfect weather for soup!! I can decide what to do with the meaty pieces later. I didn’t eat any turkey yesterday. I really don’t care for it at all. I much prefer duck or goose. But I might stick it in a gumbo. Yum!!
While everyone else in the country was cooking a feast I was catching up on housework. I did dishes, dog care, and laundry. I was on my last batch of laundry and I grabbed a big towel I thought was wet from DH’s mess by the sink but it was lamp oil. I later found a busted bottle of the oil on the floor. My clothes was washed twice in laundry detergent and once in Lysol and it’s washing again in laundry detergent and deodorizer. It’s not the best day for drying….neither was yesterday.
Some kind of bolt broke on the truck when we arrived at the in-laws yesterday and the truck was doing a straddle. We had a wheel facing one way and the other facing the opposite direction. DH got the short end of the stick for sure. The ex refused to attend because he insisted we were all going at 2:00 to eat leftovers after my SIL’s family. He chewed DD out and made her cry. AH!! Three of our 5 kids jumped him. His loss. Then he sends everyone a group text telling them Happy Thanksgiving. So I got to see all the grandkids and he missed out. I have white, black and Asian grandkids. I only need a few Latinos and Natives and I will have it all. Of course my extended family already looks like that anyway 🥰. I hugged my middle DD and told her I’m sorry she had such a bad week. She came from TX to LA for Thanksgiving and worked her butt off just to see everyone and always insists on doing all the work. I swear she looked so tired when we left.
I have an incubator full of duck eggs. DH’s project but I guess I will go flip them over and see if it needs water. I might soak them. Momma always did and she always had great results. We didn’t consult with the almanac and I’m not even sure what day we put them in but I know it was the day after my last oncology appointment. I best write on a calendar soon. The eggs come from various kinds of ducks so whatever hatches, will say quack and have feathers 🤷‍♀️. DH best start coon proofing something.
My niece has a place in a government house for $37/month. I have learned that her son is on week 5 of his lesson plans. Very good job. I only did one week with him. He has been studying for 2 weeks now with off days. I sure hope they keep it up.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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Harvested Louisiana Sweet oranges for a few orders. DH has a buddy who loves to go duck hunting but apparently doesn’t love to clean or cook them so he has been keeping him up in ammo and we have a bunch of ducks to cook that’s already cleaned and now we are picking up some more. We have one more order of oranges to drop off and we can go home.
I have been feeling nauseated and I woke up at 3:30AM and took Phenergan. I guess it’s my chemotherapy. Good thing I made soup.
It’s been kinda wet lately. The orchard sure can use a good cleaning ASAP.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
Wild duck is delicious. I have fried them, spatchcock style, to medium rare, and they were so good.

My son is working in south Louisiana now, below New Orleans and he’s seen the Louisiana Sweet Oranges in buckets for sale, $50 each. He’s thinking about getting me a couple of them. I’m in zone 8b. How hardy are they for freezes? I’m going to be putting up a barn and could plant them on the south side for shelter. I could even build their own greenhouse around them. How tall and wide will they get?

Maybe you should start some trees as well as selling the oranges. Do they come true if planted by seed? Or do they have to be grafted?

I get ferocious heat and drought. I can keep them watered and provide shade cloth to block some of the sun. Yeah, I’ve totally talked myself into these orange trees!

@frustratedearthmother do you want a couple of them? ❤️

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
Wild duck is delicious. I have fried them, spatchcock style, to medium rare, and they were so good.

My son is working in south Louisiana now, below New Orleans and he’s seen the Louisiana Sweet Oranges in buckets for sale, $50 each. He’s thinking about getting me a couple of them. I’m in zone 8b. How hardy are they for freezes? I’m going to be putting up a barn and could plant them on the south side for shelter. I could even build their own greenhouse around them. How tall and wide will they get?

Maybe you should start some trees as well as selling the oranges. Do they come true if planted by seed? Or do they have to be grafted?

I get ferocious heat and drought. I can keep them watered and provide shade cloth to block some of the sun. Yeah, I’ve totally talked myself into these orange trees!

@frustratedearthmother do you want a couple of them? ❤️
DH did tell me someone was selling LS trees for $50 each. I was floored. Last I knew satsuma trees were going for $35 each. I am starting my own root stock and I chose Ponderosa Lemon over trifoliate for reasons of safety and practicality. The thorns are thin and only 1/2 inch long as opposed to 2 and 1/2 inch, thick thorns. Also if you lose your graft, at least you have a lemon tree. I need lots of pots. I ordered some but I somehow thought I was ordering 201 pots and I think I got 50. It’s better to graft than to have true fruit because it cuts the wait down quite a bit. If you are getting a Louisiana sweet, be prepared for a tree that might reach 15 feet tall. It might only have a drip line of 10 feet though. Most citrus is sensitive to the cold. I am in zone 10 and your son is probably very close to me right now. A satsuma would be easier to house. If you want to provide a winter shelter for your tree maybe think hoop house 🤷‍♀️. But as long as the graft is protected you still have the tree and the root system would cause it to come back fast. I imagine if you have a big compost bin inside the greenhouse that contains the tree that it would probably provide some warmth during the night hours.
I do believe trees would be a good investment so I want to start as many as possible. I even have this idea of promoting them as local Christmas trees.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I have a hoop tunnel frame, not all of it is there , but enough to make a nice green house. I also have a window collection, for a future greenhouse. Aaaaannndd I have a wood burning heater that there is no room for in my double wide. Some stove pipe and it’ll be good. I’m gonna tell my son to nab me a couple of the orange trees.

I LOVE your idea of selling them as Christmas trees!

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
Excuse my mess. I had 5 cracker cans that I have been keeping my dry goods in but I got tired of opening them to find the rice, cornmeal, flour and such. I bought one can of spray paint and a silver permanent marker. I cut the corners of an index card rounded to use as a stencil for my labels. DH helped me with a little art work.


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