Are we living our dream?

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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If I give HG her way I will be surviving on credit cards and eating out every single day of the month. That gets real old fast.
We have now been gifted with our entire flock of chickens in one way or the other (except for the 8 roosters we bought from the young couple a few weeks ago. We seriously need to have a slaughter day. I honestly don’t know what to choose for my primary rooster.
I need to motivate myself and get busy cuz I’m behind on all my chores since the diverticulitis, arthritis etc.. but being sick isn’t cleaning the house for me. I will just put my shoes on and clean up wearing my nightgown. It won’t be the first time.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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I’m not sure if comfort was the number one priority so much as desperation and necessity but I managed to pick up the dry clothes, hang up the two batches DH had cleaned and put two more to wash. At least the old freezer is slowly getting emptied.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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Omg!! DH has some really awesome friends!! He gets a call this morning from his trawler friend who was sick of selling and he had some small size shrimp perfect for ettoufette and fricassee. I think he gave him about 40 pounds and DH bought the next size over for $1/pound. He bought $60 worth. DH wanted to boil and dry the small shrimp but I started peeling it cuz I like that size. I’m so tired now. And then another friend wants to repair the roof on his barn and carport but DH wasn’t ready. Why I can’t have friends like that?!?! But I know for sure I have lots of shrimp. I don’t even have the the last few months of shrimp used up and here is more!! I’m pooped though. Well I guess I know what I’m doing tomorrow.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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Working a bit through my pain. Fortunately it’s just in my left knee. But I feel like I accomplished something major because I finally got the trash freezer emptied. I needed to use a big knife to free some of the stuff and I tore a few bags which dictated what I am now cooking. Ordinarily when I cook a corn soup, it’s with ham and in a red sauce but today I used the smallest pack of shrimp I could find, corn, some milk I really think needs to go, the smallest amount of angel hair pasta that was left in a box…basically just making use of stuff before they are trash. I think it’s just about done but I felt like a little cheddar might give me an A+ so I’m about to eat. There!! Very tasty. Needed a little salt but better than too much salt. I can’t believe I was totally out of onions!! I had to pick a handful of shallots off the front porch planters.
DH has been busy in the backyard but I didn’t know with what but he has created a frame around the rabbits that I assume he now plans on covering to make a mini barn just for them. Anytime he suspects a predator is in the backyard he pops fireworks off the back porch. We have a few rabbits that are loose that we need to outsmart.
Last night I was working on picking up the laundry and I clearly heard water running and I told DH. Something came apart for the rabbits. He said he is glad I have good hearing.
HG had been at her mom’s home since Thursday. Didn’t mention anything about leaving her dog behind. I just got her back this morning. The baby screamed almost the whole way coming home and I was told she cried a lot last night. I had to give her this ‘infant suppository’ which really is just a tiny enema bulb but I insisted on doing it myself because the insertion part is too big for a newborn and HG has no medical training so I showed her left side position and proceeded very slowly and gently and immediate results. So apparently that was her last moment!!! OMG!!! So HG was talking about switching to formula to see if better movements. I told her she could expect worse. I’m just gonna do what I would do if she was mine. I’m going to buy some white grape juice to give her 2 ounces every other day and see what happens. Gotta get her regular and stop messing with her bootie. But just like before…instant results. It’s her birthday today and her godmother picked her up to go to the birthday party of younger cousin in the city 2 hours away. I am so angry with her and I told her a lot of things about her today but she needs me and I guess I’m not 100% done with her. They both need me. The baby for sure needs a live in nurse.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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It’s been a minute. So I have a possible diagnosis of gout but for sure I have increased uric acid levels in my blood. My X-ray of my knee only reveals arthritis. So my plan is to avoid red meats for a while and drink more water and take my meds. The bed warmer feels better than ever. I have to push myself to do anything.
DH had a partial amputation on his left foot. They just removed his little toe and the bone just above it and closed it off. He was given a special shoe to wear for now. He claims it hurts him less now, after the surgery than before. Yesterday he tended to all the animals while I was babysitting the grandchildren and I had to change his bandages last night. I used a sanitary pad and wrapped with cling and then the ace wrap. It has to stay dry. There is a little piece of paper or something on the location of his missing toe that is stuck. I’m going to wait a while before I put saline to unstick it but he has an appointment next Monday to follow up. I think he is doing better than me. But I did get DD to come over and help me catch up on chores. The chicken tractors in the front yard are working great. They have eaten everything down to the mud. Then DH started to worry that somebody might report us for animal abuse because of our not understanding what we were doing. He was talking like he would aim them to eat in the backyard but I haven’t seen it happen yet.
I’m not hurting much yet today so maybe I can get a few things done before Mass. The easiest chore I have is holding a cute little baby girl.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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I went to put a bid on a Tahoe the port commission was auctioning off but I was an hour too late. I really thought it was later 🤦‍♀️. My meds mess with my mind.
I didn’t get the part time job as a bridge tender either. So just boost up frugality and homesteading as soon as I can get my left knee to agree.
I bought an extra bundle of celery to use as my chewing snack to help with the uric acid problem. Honestly trying to drink water more.
I was so desperate to come up with a plan to make baby go without my assistance that I went looking for any and everything I could to get her going. I ended up with 3 products one of which was Karo syrup. I think that’s the ticket for now.
BIL is making hog head cheese so DH is on a mission to find shallots and fresh parsley. Maybe in a few weeks when he has recuperated and I am feeling better we can slaughter a few pigs. I understand we have a new batch of piglets and one is white with red stripes. The rest are black.
So yesterday I went out in search of Ace Wraps. I figured I could find one in any drugstore but they didn’t have any. My sister had one so I took it home. I figure I could alternate washing it and the one DH came home with until I get my package with more. But seems like Ace Wraps have been around forever. I would think it belongs on the shelves near the knee and elbow braces because not everything is small, medium or large. Some humans are super small or big. Guess I’m just old school. I recall buying a hot water bottle at the drugstore, among other, hard to find items.
I have an infusion coming up Thursday, after oncology. Hopefully I can just go in with no problems. Last time I attempted to go he sent me to the ER… I don’t see the point. The only problem was my pain level freaked out my blood pressure. I guess my wheelchair is coming…just in case. So what’s wrong with this picture?? I’m talking about a whole woman, being pushed in a wheelchair by a recent, partial amputee 🤦‍♀️, unless I bring someone else.
Oh Lord, I can hear the rain!! I can catch up on the laundry but it’s still gonna be a long time before everything dries good. Gotta inspire HG and myself to be productive. Flylady to the rescue. And I want to crochet or something.