Are we living our dreams?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
About half, but cold is really not our problem. Heat us usually our biggest and water. Thats why I'm 8feet elevated off the ground and why I had to stretch out all those tarps to close off the underside of the house. Hope it mostly stayed secured all night; or at least where all my mom's plants were. We kept some drips in the water, so the lines wouldn't freeze, so I do have water today. It was 24F when I woke up.
It was the phone that got me up out of bed (I have a bed warmer). The realitor cancelled a house showing because she had no water in her trailer. I was going to see 5 houses locally for DH that are within my means.
I think I have another 24 hours more to go to fight off this cold. DS had planned to stay awoke last night, in the room with the potbelly, but must have snuck to bed. I had to crank up a fire after I put the coffee to brew. But the ash tray was pretty full, so he probably kept it going a good while. Plus he is still asleep (preparing to start night shift), so its just me and the 6 year old that is up now. I think we will keep the bed warmer on today and have our classes under the covers. What a weird school.
Gotta get dressed. Not looking forward to chores outside. I know the rabbits will be out of water and I best haul some in in a milk jug, cuz I didn't leave a drip in the coop. Really hope no water lines have busted.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Stay warm!
School under the covers. I wish I could have done that as a kid!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Mondays are killers. The house is a mess from me having to work the weekends and Tuesdays have become the real first day off. So here I am. Just dropped DD17 off to babysit for cousin to work and had to put on boots to tend the animals. Hoping for a few sunny days to clean up this slop....good thing its mostly water fowl that are affected, cuz they seem to love it. I have 3 goose eggs, I picked up today. Pretty much caught up on clothes yesterday and found most of the kitchen cabinet and floors, under what all was covering them. My 2 youngest helped and we began 'night school' after we all got back from religion at the church. Thats bad when all the other kids are getting ready for bed and your own are just starting school, but got to get lessons when I can. But mercy.
My feet are hurting cuz of the weekend. Saturday morning, I didn't find out that my relief had called in for 40 minutes into the next shift, so I actually did 2 and 1/2 hours of someone else's work. It wouldn't have been so bad if I wasn't so upset at the thought of missing my cousin's funeral. I showed up just in time for Mass, in uniform. Maybe it was fitting because my cousin was a nurse. But Saturday night I called my supervisor to make sure I was going to have relief in the morning and I was suppose to but the nurse who was supposed to come in for the regular had an emergency with her family and I ended up working 5 hours and 50 minutes over. At least I had advanced warning and prepared myself. So all in all, I will have over 8 hours more than planned earned on my next check, which is good and I got to see a few people with their eyes actually opened. I knew them, but they didn't all know me. Its funny to be reading what meds I"m supposed to be giving, preparing them and to hear conversations about me from residents who don't know me, but are talking to others who do....and who have known me for years.
Well tomorrow I go house hunting for DH.......Grrrr. Hope we can do it fast.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hope things ease up a bit for you soon.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
We made an offer for 45,000 on a house that was going for 50,000, but the bank counter offered 47,000 and we accepted. DH will have a home and I will have this one :( and yet :) Depends how you look at it. Today, I'm afraid my cup is half empty. The house is easily worth double what was being asked. Well, DH will be living in a picture perfect house and I will be living in something that simply was never finished. Guess I have to finish it without him.
Day before yesterday my DON called me and offered me a full-time weekend position, working afternoons and nights, with morning shift off. I took it and trained yesterday afternoon on that unit. Besides not really knowing the people, it wasn't so bad. Seems like the med pass will be really easy. I have enough experience behind me to quietly make a few improvements (I may not be valueable in my relationship, but I am valueable when I put on a white uniform).
I woke up early today and began assembelling DD 10's dollhouse. Very complicated. The instructions are in outline form. I have completed all 6 steps of section A. Doors and windows are drying. Hopefully I can do section B tonight and resume C in the morning, etc....Don't want DD to have a beautiful, unassembled dollhouse and have to assemble it in 10 years for my grandchildren.
Its chore/school time now. DD 10 took lots of tests yesterday and day before, which I will be faxing to school. Need to catch up, now that peace is in this house and fewer love ones to care for and bury :( Iknow.....I'm a bummer, but I will wear a smile.
Its like this: All my heros are dead, the love of my life is gone, one of my children are up to something, I wish she wasn't, I have just forfeited most of my inheritance for something I will not be living in, I just took a full-time position I don't know if my feet can handle which will decrease my time home........BUT I AM OKAY!!!! There; that pretty much sums it up. No wonder I woke up so early.
Well, I have so much I can think of to do today. Not sure how much I will do, but some stuff is about to happen and tomorrow is another day, right Scarlett?


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Oh man.... :hugs

If you spent YOUR inheritance on his house - I hope it's at least in your name? Or at least community property? (this is really none of my business - so feel free to ignore me.) I have an old paralegal degree that I rarely use and of course, it applies to Texas but that kinda situation always makes me sit up and take notice...

Given all the things you're dealing with right now I can see why you're bummed.



<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Hang in there. We may be far away but we're sending good thoughts and energy that you can begin healing.
Thinking of you.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
It is community property because we are still married. We aren't even legally separated. Tomorrow is our 28th wedding anniversary. Wondering how that will go. I bought him chocolates, just in case he happens to remember. Guess I might give it to him regardless, depending on if I see him, but I won't go throw myself at him.
I figure maybe when the time is right, I can talk to him about us leaving the house to each other, so at least I know he is in a house the rest of his life and the kids have to wait for him to die before dividing it or selling it. But in all actuality, I will probably outlive him, so wanted my investment back. I mean our kids will end up with it regardless, but it is my inheritance, from my mother, who got it from her parents. I still have a bit, but its somewhere else and not near that amount.
I must have loved him so much....maybe still do.
It just seems like he'd have done everything he could to make it work, before going down this road. I wouldn't have held anything from him (apparently not....he's getting a house). He could have just sat down, relaxed and been a part of my life. Europe and a riverboat ride up the Mississippi weren't too far away.
I think I'm going to start taking my kids on vacations now though.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Don't have any advice to offer, just a :hugs


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
Make sure that your kids will get their inheritance even if you divorce and he ends up marrying someone else... with kids. It could happen. Please don't do like others I have known and say "Oh, he would never do that to his own kids" only to find that he would and did.