Are we living our dreams?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Survived another weekend, but I'm having allergy symptoms, which is a new thing for me. Tearing up and congestion and sometimes running like a faucet. I have a new appreciation for allergy sufferers and I told my co-workers I swear, I will rob the bees before April is over, so help me God.
I think DH is at the court house at our parish seat, but not sure. Hope the best for him.
I was only able to put my 2 new goats on weed control this morning. Older does are too skittish and won't come up to me to be put to work and I'm not running thru the mud to catch them, so I'm going to limit their rations today....starve them out.
All future goats will be trained on a run......Amen.
So glad I have 5 days to enjoy, with my family. DS is of the opinion that what we need is a tall wooden fence and I'm inclined to agree with him, so hoping the weather agrees with that idea as well.
Well, happy farming guys.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
My allergies are not as bad as they used to be, which I'm thankful for. I cannot take most allergy meds cuz they cause all kinds of bad side effects.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I gave up on allergy meds when it was taking five to make me feel half way human but not relieving all the symptoms. I decided it wasn't worth waiting my money. I've found several natural options that work, and otherwise I just suffer. It will be interesting to see what happens this year now that I'm outside almost full time.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
My oldest began to suffer with allergies when she was about 13 and soon, thereafter decided claritin was about as helpful as a tick tack. She was changed to zertec and loved it. Well Sunday morning I took my very first claritin before I began my med pass and I'm inclined to agree with DD...about as good as a tick tack. I took Benedryl 50 mgs when I got home. Should have taken it before I left, so it'd be working but didn't. My cold is now in my chest but I actually like it better there than the way I felt Sunday. That was the pits. So I have been trying to venture closer to the hives but one of my does got a few stings and went nuts, so I let her back in the barn. I personally took some garden tools and swung a few wacks around the hives to clean up. I got my first sting of the season and possibly my 2nd (not sure). They weren't happy with me, but glad to have finally gotten stung. My feet hurt enough, so I could certainly use it.
Well today I went out to bring DD 18 to babysit and when I came home, I began feeding the livestock. I took the buck out the barn and brought him to a problem area and hooked his chain to the bottom of a metal fence post and went in for his twin sister. By the time I had her chained and was taking her out, I noticed half my flock was out the coop, eating crawfish peelings DD 25 had dropped 2 days before and the rest were on their way out. My Jack Russel, once again had opened the gate and let out the flock. I wanted to kill him, but I just tied up the doe at another problem area and cut my asparagus, then laid a cattle panel over that bed, so they can't dig it up. The rest of the garden needs to be cleaned anyway, so we can think on planting something. I said, "Oh what the heck....let everything out." and I did.
I asked my nephew to let me hire him for 2 weeks cuz godchild's boyfriend never showed up and I really want a few things behind me. Kids aren't really that desparate for work now a days, I guess.
The woman who officially owns the buck I'm about to purchase is planning on ordering some chicks. I told her I want a few other breeds that I don't have, so I think I'm getting leghorns, silkies and cornish.....guaranteed eggs, fierce setters and meat...all in there own separate quarters.
I had a freak accident occur today. I saw some kind of commotion, but didn't know the extent of it. By chance I went in the goose pen to tend to a gander that is recooperating from another freak accident, well, I see my setting goose isn't on the nest, so I count 10 eggs and I feel them....cold. I look around and I see her trapped. Her wing was caught in the fence wire in a 2X4 space. She must have fought and fought and ripped the skin right off at the joint. A man passing, helped me from the other side of the fence to free her. Her wing is partially hanging. I hope no preditors enter that pen because I now have 2 injured geese in there. But I took those eggs from her and put them in the incubator. She was probably off them for 2 hours.
I have a mandatory meeting at work tomorrow :( Guess I gotta go, seeings as I missed the last 2.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hope your geese are OK and that you get something from the eggs.

I know when I was a teenager, I'd do anything legal for $2.00/hour. And I kept fairly busy. I don't know of a single teen that will do odd jobs now.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
I'm being super cheap today. Very little rations for anything. Goats are, again, working, most of flock are on free-range...hopefully the dogs keep them safe. The only projects I have penned are the injured geese, the RIR (cuz the roo is crazy) and the Araucanas.
Hoping for a visit from my honorary godchild/nephew very soon. He has this idea that he is going to spend the entire day in the woods. Why....idk. Its a good enough day to plant treated 4X4's or landscape timbers....whatever is cheaper.
I have some leftover chicken that must have been older than than I thought when I killed it, so I think I'll let it spend a few hours in the crockpot. Maybe I can survive supper.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
The Jack Russell is in jail with a dead guinea in front of his crate. He is afraid of it. Good. So what I can't understand is....why can I train my dogs to leave all my flock alone, but the guineas confuse them so much, that they think its okay to attack them? My male is dead. That leaves me with one injured female, one healthy female and one young male from last years hatch that thinks he is a chicken and is about to find out otherwise.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Oh wow - that stinks! I think it's a terrier Westie is perfect for months at time then something will set her off and she'll kill everything that moves.... stoopid dog. Sorry about the guinea...


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Alright. The injured one passed too. Snoopy lost all his freedom. He is either in the house, in his crate or out on a run, because he no longer will be enjoying freerange privledges.
My young guinea cock met the hen.....maybe his mom. Maybe his aunt....idk. They in the coop with the chickens.
I sold all my eggs when I went to my meeting. The administrator says his wife loves them and wants him to buy all their eggs from me from now on. Thats nice.
Honorary godchild....there is a reason I call him that..maybe I should explain that I'm not really his godmother, but he decided I was when he was 2 years old and he's called me Nanny ever since.....Okay, well godchild came over and I showed him most of what I need. He plans on starting around lunch time tomorrow.
We will see......fingers crossed.