Are we living our dreams?


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
It should be interesting to get a good look at the prospective boyfriend. He sounds like a nice young man. And I am glad you could have a decent conversation with your ex. maybe your steady influence will help keep him from being stupid and quitting his job. Of course if he does, that in NOT your problem and don't subsidize stupidity and give him any money.

You mention your hurting feet from time to time. What is wrong with your feet? Sorry they hurt you so much.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
It won't come quickly. I've been there twice and right now, I have to wait for a nutcase to quit or get fired, because it will just big mess if I go back now. Besides, I want to completely get rid of all debts and it won't happen over night.
I took a road trip with DD7 to the next parish in search of a Maran roo. I let my daughter pick the roo and she picked the blue copper maran. Big guy. On the way home she said we should call him Jack because that is a boy's name, so I told her we'd have to settle for Jacques because he is French.
I put him in the coop and ran an errand and the little next door neighbor wanted to pick eggs with me and somehow the shovel fell in just the right way to open a crack in the gate and let half the chickens loose. So I have them on free range, which is not exactly what I wanted to do on the very first day I have a new roo.
I drug half a 50 gallon drum in to use as a brooder for my banties, but thinking I'll go empty a big rubber maid container I have my millet in, so I can brood them and the standard chicks I'm getting in tomorrow. I guess I can expect an early wake up call from the PO again.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
I do need to learn how to post pics. I used DD11's camera a few days ago for her BD party, but I want to see how to post things. It can't be too difficult.
Well, I got my leghorns and slow broilers in today, but I have some other chicks mixed in for a friend and they are crowded, so I put 10 of mine in with the banties and I'm going back and forth with the quail waterer. They really crowded, so I think I will set up the brooder in the coop with a light.
My friend is coming over to get her chicks and wants to see the kids, seeings as she raised their mother and father. They are so cute today. Their horns have emerged a bit and they working with their dame, eating a bit of weeds and jumping around. DH had made some tables on a post for the hives, but it didn't work out and the hives started tilting, so we had to move them....well the kids are jumping up on the tables. I have to keep checking on the doe, because she somehow ties her back leg up in her tetter. You'd almost think she does it on purpose.
Well, the bathroom stinks (chicks) and work needs tending, children need teaching, etc.....check ya'll later. Happy farming.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Well, I'll see if I can post the few pics I took of the babies when I have help, but I sold them because I have way too many responsibilities and the doe was busting down the stall I had them all in, so now I have a milking chore again, but I'm getting 2 quarts of goat milk a day.
So I have had so much trouble getting anyone to help me with anything I want done, and them DD25 tells me she won't get a paycheck until Sept, when she begins teaching at our local HS and so I've been getting help around the house, from a young woman, where I thought it'd be a young man. Well, I'll take help where I can. But the weather hasn't been on my side. We did begin the fence, but got slowed down due to roots, so we waiting for good weather and gonna rent an auger when DS is off....and probably a cement mixer, just to make DS happy. I'm gonna scare the crap out of my neighbors, when they see my used sheet metal going up as a fence....but only on the north side. I won't have enough to close in the whole yard.
So seeings as the weather won't let me work in the yard, I'm thinking of buying a cheap single panel window, a few tx 2X4's and begin closing in between 2 of my pilings, just to see what I'm in for, for the rest of the house. Really want to close it in before winter.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Kids are trying to talk me into getting chain linked fence installed. I told them, I'd be willing to check prices, but no promises.
So this is hell week....I meet myself going and coming, dealing with kid stuff. I drop them off at church in the morning, pick them up at noon, get them dressed for dancing workshop, then I get them back and chances are I have a few....or lots of neighborhood kids tagging along. Looking forward to next week.
Okay, so my buck is acting like he will ram me. So besides beating him and probably making it worse, BBQing him and letting him beat me, what to do to stop this bullying? He is getting big and I don't need to be rammed by a buck and break my leg.
Well, I'm mostly milking out 2 quarts a day from a single milking and getting older daughters to milk on the weekends. I'm about to try my first batch of goat's cheese and see if I can do something with that, because my kids are silly about the milk. They accept it in coffee, but they find it too creamy to just drink.
I've been killing myself preserving figs these past 2 days, after days of picking and freezing so I could do them all at once.......which I think is the only way to go. Well, I easily have enough for my family to last the year and from here on out, whatever I do will be extra and to barter, sell or give. I might get wild with it. I can do some blackberry jam as well and later get wild with a few marmalade recipes I now have........finally!!! Why I never thought to just buy a recipe book specializing in marmalade, is beyond me. I followed a recipe last year from 'Back to Basics' and its not thick at all. I still have the marmalade and might make some buscuits to use it on, but seems like it should be like a jelly. IDK, cuz I never was in the habbit of eating it, I wasn't raised with it and no one I know knows diddly squat about it.
So lots of thunder, grumbelling all around me, but the sun is shining and its monsterously hot. My dad's lawnmower is in the shop and has lots of damage and apparently its up to me to decide to fix it and with the amount it will cost, I think I will change my tune about not considering it mine. But the bad news is things are overgrown and I've put up a fence, temporarily, where I've previously had one before and opened the gates to allow all the animals to feast in the garden/jungle. Apparently I haven't starved them out of the coop and barn yet. They not hungry enough to check out the buffet I set out for them. IDK...
So all is Okay with DH and I provided he isn't drinking. He has cooked lunch on Sundays a couple of times, so we can all eat at 'his house' after Mass, before I go in to work for my last 16 hour shift. He pretty much never comes to my house, unless its for something really fast....he laughs at my new cookoo clock, does whatever and leaves, usually without any drama, so thats nice.
Its time for someone to invent an air conditioned body suit, so I can go out there and do all I need to do.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Try using a squirt bottle or a water gun when your buck is coming towards you in an aggressive manner. Goats HATE water and especially in their face. That way you can get him from a distance and you don't even have to get your hands dirty!

Figs are overtaking my world too. I'll be loading the dehydrator tonight or tomorrow and get a batch of fig 'raisins' going. They're pretty darn tasty!

Glad DH is being at least civil...

Oh, an air conditioned body suit - sign me up for that!

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